2025-02-04 11:42 PM
hi all,
i was trying to work with stm32u585 microcontroller and an external RAM IS66WVQ2M4DALL , which is a QSPI based RAM can work in 133Mhz.the RAM support DDR based data transfer. Here i am attaching my OSPI configuration
hospi1.Instance = OCTOSPI1;
hospi1.Init.FifoThreshold = 1;
hospi1.Init.MemoryType = HAL_OSPI_MEMTYPE_APMEMORY;
hospi1.Init.DeviceSize = 20;
hospi1.Init.ChipSelectHighTime = 1;
hospi1.Init.FreeRunningClock = HAL_OSPI_FREERUNCLK_DISABLE;
hospi1.Init.ClockMode = HAL_OSPI_CLOCK_MODE_0;
hospi1.Init.ClockPrescaler = 2;
hospi1.Init.SampleShifting = HAL_OSPI_SAMPLE_SHIFTING_NONE;
hospi1.Init.DelayHoldQuarterCycle = HAL_OSPI_DHQC_ENABLE;
hospi1.Init.ChipSelectBoundary = 0;
hospi1.Init.DelayBlockBypass = HAL_OSPI_DELAY_BLOCK_USED;
hospi1.Init.MaxTran = 0;
hospi1.Init.Refresh = 320;
if (HAL_OSPI_Init(&hospi1) != HAL_OK)
sOspiManagerCfg.ClkPort = 1;
sOspiManagerCfg.DQSPort = 1;
sOspiManagerCfg.NCSPort = 1;
sOspiManagerCfg.IOLowPort = HAL_OSPIM_IOPORT_1_LOW;
if (HAL_OSPIM_Config(&hospi1, &sOspiManagerCfg, HAL_OSPI_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT_VALUE) != HAL_OK)
HAL_OSPI_DLYB_Cfg_Struct.Units = 0;
HAL_OSPI_DLYB_Cfg_Struct.PhaseSel = 0;
if (HAL_OSPI_DLYB_SetConfig(&hospi1, &HAL_OSPI_DLYB_Cfg_Struct) != HAL_OK)
here i am confused about selecting hospi1.Init.MemoryType = HAL_OSPI_MEMTYPE_APMEMORY;
#define HAL_OSPI_MEMTYPE_MICRON ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< Micron mode */
#define HAL_OSPI_MEMTYPE_MACRONIX ((uint32_t)OCTOSPI_DCR1_MTYP_0) /*!< Macronix mode */
#define HAL_OSPI_MEMTYPE_APMEMORY ((uint32_t)OCTOSPI_DCR1_MTYP_1) /*!< AP Memory mode */
#define HAL_OSPI_MEMTYPE_MACRONIX_RAM ((uint32_t)(OCTOSPI_DCR1_MTYP_1 | OCTOSPI_DCR1_MTYP_0)) /*!< Macronix RAM mode */
#define HAL_OSPI_MEMTYPE_HYPERBUS ((uint32_t)OCTOSPI_DCR1_MTYP_2) /*!< Hyperbus mode */
from some forums its get to know that this is based on the data order D0/D1 or D1/D0 from the datasheet of my memory ship the timing diagram look like
so here what option i need to take. and planning to work with memory mapped mode . here when i tried with read and write my read and write is corrupting can anybody check with my configuration
2025-02-05 12:30 AM
Hello @sabari1;
The memory type depends on the D0/D1 ordering: The micron (and compatible memories) use D0/D1 Ordering while Macronix (and compatible memories) use D1/D0 data ordering and Macronix RAM (and compatible memories) use D1/D0 ordering with dedicated address mapping.
If you have a memory different from Micron and Macronix you simply need to look at the data ordering in the memory datasheet and then select the one that matches it in STM32 OSPI configuration.
But, when using the QSPI mode, any memory type can be chosen if it is supported by the Octo-SPI interface. The memory type does not affect the functionality for the QSPI. The memory type has no impact in Quad-SPI mode.
Please take a look at AN5050 table8. and precisely note 2.
I recommend you to try to decrease the OCTOSPI frequency. Please take a look at DS13086 table143. and table 144. to check the maximum OCTOSPI frequency.
Thank you.
To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2025-02-05 2:08 AM
hi @KDJEM.1
IS66WVQ2M4DALL is working on QSPI but it also uses the DQSM pin ,if we configured the OSPI in Quad mode in cubemx the DQSM pin option is not available so i am configuring it as OSPI and using the first IO pins only [IO3:0].
so am using the DQSM pin for the port1 for my purpose.
and even i tried with reducing the clock up to 20 MHz even that time itself its behaving same ,anyways am attaching the OSPI context details below
if (HAL_OSPI_DLYB_GetClockPeriod(&hospi2,&dlyb_cfg) != HAL_OK)
Error_Handler() ;
/*when DTR, PhaseSel is divided by 4 (emperic value)*/
dlyb_cfg.PhaseSel /=4;
/* save the present configuration for check*/
dlyb_cfg_test = dlyb_cfg;
/*set delay block configuration*/
/*check the set value*/
if ((dlyb_cfg.PhaseSel != dlyb_cfg_test.PhaseSel) || (dlyb_cfg.Units != dlyb_cfg_test.Units))
Error_Handler() ;
/*Configure AP memory register */
/*Configure Memory Mapped mode*/
sCommand.OperationType = HAL_OSPI_OPTYPE_WRITE_CFG;
sCommand.FlashId = HAL_OSPI_FLASH_ID_1;
sCommand.Instruction = 0x20;//WRITE_LINEAR_BURST_CMD;
sCommand.InstructionMode = HAL_OSPI_INSTRUCTION_4_LINES;
sCommand.InstructionSize = HAL_OSPI_INSTRUCTION_8_BITS;
sCommand.AddressMode = HAL_OSPI_ADDRESS_4_LINES;
sCommand.AddressSize = HAL_OSPI_ADDRESS_32_BITS;
// sCommand.Address = 0x0;
sCommand.AddressDtrMode = HAL_OSPI_ADDRESS_DTR_ENABLE;
sCommand.AlternateBytesMode = HAL_OSPI_ALTERNATE_BYTES_NONE;
sCommand.DataMode = HAL_OSPI_DATA_4_LINES;
sCommand.DataDtrMode = HAL_OSPI_DATA_DTR_ENABLE;
sCommand.DummyCycles = 5;//5;
if (HAL_OSPI_Command(&hospi2, &sCommand, HAL_OSPI_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT_VALUE) != HAL_OK)
sCommand.OperationType = HAL_OSPI_OPTYPE_READ_CFG;
sCommand.Instruction = 0xA0;//READ_LINEAR_BURST_CMD;
sCommand.DummyCycles = 5;//8;
// sCommand.DQSMode = HAL_OSPI_DQS_ENABLE;
if (HAL_OSPI_Command(&hospi2, &sCommand, HAL_OSPI_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT_VALUE) != HAL_OK)
sMemMappedCfg.TimeOutPeriod = 0x34;
if (HAL_OSPI_MemoryMapped(&hospi2, &sMemMappedCfg) != HAL_OK)
2025-02-05 11:41 AM
Just remarks:
DQS signal is a (mandatory?) signal when running the QSPI in DDR mode (DTR enabled). Without it, the READ bitrate would be very low or even READ might get bit errors (due to delays on QSPI signals).
You use also the CMD phase (instruction) as 4-lanes. Some chips start with single lane on instruction, afterwards (ADDR and DATA phase) as 4-lane. Just check if also 4-lane on instruction is correct for the chip.
(often called 1-4-4, not all support 4-4-4)
2025-02-05 9:34 PM
i checked the datasheet here the below diagram represents the write operation ,here the command is sent through 4 IO lines
one thing to note here am using the variable latency for the chip and the according to refresh collision the latency will change between LC/2LC(latency count configured in the configuration register) , and according to chip the refresh collision is detected by the DQSM pin.
but while looking through the reference manual of u585 i cant see the Collison detection functionality in DQSM uses
2025-02-11 8:59 PM
i think am facing issue while using memory mapped mode. I assume it will be issue with the address bit assignment, in most of the example application from ST I can see some linear address mapping like
But in my case the from the datasheet
But in my case according to datasheet of IS66WVQ2M4DALL/BLL
So here its mentioned that this chip uses 32 bit addressing and how the OSPI driver mapping the physical address in this case since its using some in between bytes as reserved.
So in this case can we use the ST OSPI HAL driver, since in user perspective specifically in memory mapped mode we are directly dealing with the internal address not the physical column and row address of the chip.so my question is ST driver is internally taking care of this physical address mapping otherwise what should be the solution for this
With regards
2025-02-12 11:03 AM
Check the datasheets for "Macronix" mode and "Macronix RAM" mode (you have tp configure this mode anyway and properly).
RM0456 mentions "your" address mode, page 1070:
STM cooperates with Macronix, therefore STM32 MCUs (at least STM32U5x) should support these PSRAMs.
Similar thread in forum (but not so much details):
2025-02-13 9:01 PM
yes like u said i need to configure macronix ram mode , but problem here is my device is working on qspi but user manual says this configuration is for macronix based octal ram , since its using 8 data lines in here it uses different assignment for the columns rows its fine .
this is my QSPI based address assignment according to ISSI data sheet
here we can clearly sees that the column address will be a problem for me when comparing the both cases .and when i compare other ISSI based octal rams the address assignment matches perfectly with reference manual diagram.
and from ST side no information is available on the address assignment in QSPI mode. now am in difficult situation since my team already prepared some proto boards with this IC. i don't know weather i need to go with another proto by changing the IC with some other.
(note : everywhere(reference manual and some threads) am seeing that in QSPI mode the memory type doesn't matter ,so how the OSPI controller translating the virtual address to this column and row based address format )
already raised a ticket regarding this issue am not getting any support from ST .
2025-02-14 10:45 AM
Have you tried to configure Maxcronix RAM in QuadSPI mode and checked with a scope if QSPI bus looks reasonable?
Yes, it is mentioned as an example, DTR mode and Octal. But I would assume it works also in Quad mode. And this data word flip (in DTR mode) is not important (for using as RAM, and sounds like just for Octal mode).
Have you seen this? This might give you a clue or it will even support QuadSPI:
Even it is not directly mentioned as QuadSPI in RM, this row and column, just as Quad example. I think, "Macronix RAM" mode means this Rows and Columns, independent if Octal or Quad.
Why should Maxronix RAM in Quad mode not work? (it might just not being given as an example: configure it, test it with a scope...).
2025-02-17 9:20 PM
i tried with macronix_ram mode there the entire data is corrupting. but when i configure on regular macronix mode and tried to write and read from the particular addresses its working fine ( addresses - 0x90000000,0x90000020,0x90000040...etc. manually translating the address according the datasheet of the chip).
when i contacted the chip vender they given me this replay
i also don't know why ST is not take caring of the QSPI macronix ram based address formatting even if they support same macronix ram based OSPI address format.
thanks for your time .