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Program update



1. is there any tool (GUI) to update program using executable?

2. How to have different modes of programming? (UART/ USB/ sd card)

3. Bootloader mentions: USB OTG FS (PA11/12) in Device mode (DFU: device firmware upgrade). Can external HS phy in FS as a device be used to update program?




You have a data mismatch after Flash verification.

18:47:58 : Error: Data mismatch found at address 0x08000DD0 (byte = 0x00 instead of 0x40) 18:47:58 : Error: Download verification failed

I don't have this board on hands to test. If I find one I'll do it .. 

If it's urgent I suggest you to contact your local FAE.

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Please can I know how to reach them...

Through your sale channel? Your purchaser should know where you're buying commercial quantities from. Distributors should have their own customer support engineers as part of their agreements with their vendors. Your local ST sales office should also have staffing.

Availability of any of these resources is likely to be gated by the amount of business you currently do.

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Note that in your ST-LINK and DFU logs the files are different: usb_fs_update_test_01 - led3.elf  vs usb_fs_update_test_01 - led1.elf. 

The DFU log also says "sector ... does not exist" - which is weird. Unless the file ...led1. elf is indeed bad.


18:47:58 : Address : 0x08000000 18:47:58 : Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0: 18:47:58 : Erasing internal memory sectors [0 1] 18:47:58 : sector 0000 does not exist 18:47:58 : sector 0001 does not exist




I don't see issue with files...with ST-Link both work...its just I programmed one with St-Link and tried to have another with USB

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

The "sector 0000/0001 does not exist" messages are very weird. Address 0x08000000 is the internal flash and it does exist.


questions: 1. is the .elf ok, I haven't changed anything to have different file

2. is boot1 pin changes needed?

3. Is any change if CubeProgrammer needed for PID, VID for USB DFU?