2015-12-28 6:33 PM
I am using the STM32F072RBT6 64pin LQFP
My code seems quite stable, but this chip is showing signs of being overly sensitive to temperature... Since I have so much capacitance around the board on the same power lines, I didn't put so much capacitance as suggested in the data sheet. We are running a little hot on the board, approx 70C 2'' away, ambient maybe 60C. should I change the package on the board ? which package has the best temp dissipation ? #!junctiont-!stm32f072-!unstable2015-01-02 5:03 PM
Lots of capacitance is good - but the most effective capacitance will be close to the micro. So a surface mount, 0.1uF ceramic capacitor (X7R) as close to each power/ground point is essential. Otherwise it is like asking a person to drink their thickshake through a three foot long straw. It's less of an issue if the micro is running very slow - but it sounds like your chip is screaming along.
For those wanting to create a product for sale, a good understanding of bypassing is essential - especially if you want to reduce electromagnetic emmissions (or if there is any analog circuitry on the board).The heat is a separate issue and would have to be investigated in a systematic way.2015-01-03 5:56 AM
2015-12-29 1:35 AM
When bypassing power to the IC proximity is important. Each power/ground pair on the STM32 should have a bypass cap, plus a bulk cap close by. Do not ignore the datasheets. The purpose of the caps is to manage current spikes from transistors switching inside the IC as instructions are executed and peripherals change state. Capacitors somewhere else on the PCB are not the same.
70C at the package seems high, you better check if some IC pins are trying to drive a ground. Does it get this hot if stopped or only while the firmware is running?2015-12-29 4:27 AM
Hi marsh.nick,
I suggest you have a look to the application note
''Getting started with STM32F0x1/x2/x8 hardware development''.
It provides some recommendation on how to design your PCB and set power connections besides to required capacitance to be added.
You need to respect them with the AMR conditions of the datasheet.
To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2015-12-29 6:42 PM
2016-12-17 6:25 PM
Hi guys,
sorry for the late reply, this site was shocking to log into....
seems ok now...
ok, I found the problem.
I found that driving any substantial length of cable from a processor pin generates heat inside the processor.
OMG its a revelation...(not)
The 10MHz SPI port seemed to be the problem and fix.
I had 2x 50cm cables running 2x 4.3' LCDs from 2x SPI ports.
which all worked fine until the ambient reached 60-70C
I put 27R in series with three SPI lines, MISO, MOSI and CLK ( probably don't need resistor for MISO)
Then I made the Dual 4.3' LCD setup run off 1 SPI port. (that's a diode trick for 8c)
The cable is still 2x 50cm running from a single 10MHz SPI port, all running happily now around 40-60C ambient.
All tested ok on the '072 and the '091.
(Shifted now to the STM32F091RC, double Flash, double Ram, slightly cheaper ?? with 2 pin changes...
)again, sorry for the delayed response