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STM32WB55CG Zigbee write sensor value

Associate III


i want to send sensor values from my STM to my Homeassistant via zigbee.

Therefore I have configured a temperature sensor cluster at one endpoint and because my device should also control LEDs, I have an onoff cluster.

I have tried to send my sensordata with 


ZbZclAttrIntegerWrite(zigbee_app_info.temperature_meas_server_2, ZCL_WC_MEAS_ATTR_MEAS_VAL, 12);


As a start, i places this line into the "onOff_server_1_on" function, so that I could see, when I send an on command from my Homeassistant, the temperature gets send, which also works fine.

However, I tried calling the function with an external set routine cyclic (every 10s) from my ISR, which did not work and caused my processor to crash. Can anybody see a reason for that? I also attachted my app_zigbee.c here.
