2019-06-27 4:35 AM
I try to create a project from directory (STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.14.0\Projects\32L476GDISCOVERY\Demonstrations\TrueSTUDIO). It creates two projects: "TrueSTUDIO" and "STM32L476G-Discovery" . The file TrueSTUDIO_converter.log is generated in the folder TrueSTUDIO. It says:
Project: TrueSTUDIO
Converter: IARProjectParser
Date: 20190627
Failed to parse IAR project format file, if possible please send the Project.ewp file together with the workspace log file to Atollic support.
When I try to build the project "STM32L476G-Discovery" an error occures:
In file included from ..\..\..\Core\Src\main.c:34:0:
../../../Modules/guitartuner/guitartuner.h:33:22: fatal error: arm_math.h: No such file or directory
#include "arm_math.h"
compilation terminated.
21:24:44 Build Finished (took 39s.82ms)
Could anybody help me?
2019-06-27 4:39 AM
Make sure you have Include paths defined in the project so it knows where to search for CMSIS include files, or if it copied them to the local project workspace.