2024-08-18 8:43 AM
We are uing STM32F303RBT6 controller to read the current parameters of stepper motors.
So, 7ADC1 ADC channels are used, which are read through DMA1 Channel1 . InitADC() driver initialization is succesfull, StartADC() conversion is called once every 1ms, but the raw data in the adc_hw_data[] buffer is incorrect.
MC power supply voltage VDD and pin VDDA = 3.270V, voltages at the inputs aof ADC channels PA2 = 3.054V, PA3 = 2.845V.
Цhen we use an F4 series controller with similar parameters everything works as it should.
So, what cn be te problem?
Thank you in advance.
2024-08-18 10:31 AM
Did you calibrate the ADC?
( Calling hal_adcex_calibration_start... )
2024-08-20 8:44 AM
2024-08-20 1:05 PM
I cannot tell about the LL , I only use HAL lib.
Because it's working and If i need something fast, anyway the DMA is to be used and this can be started by HAL also.
So would recommend to use the hal functions, to get it running, then still can try to do it faster - if needed.