2017-04-19 7:58 PM
Hello ST community
Now I am working on the wifi module
,I found some problem.
: iar arm 7.70.1From the example project I found two types one is SPWF01 another is SPWF04, I found the example Binary is the SPW04.
I change the config to SPWF01,but it still not work.
1)en.x-cube-wifi1_firmware (1)\STM32CubeExpansion_WIFI1_V3.0.1\Projects\Multi\Applications\
From the Tera term I found the print message,but when I input 'AT+S.STS',nothing output.
2)en.x-cube-wifi1_firmware (1)\STM32CubeExpansion_WIFI1_V3.0.1\Projects\Multi\Applications\HTTP_Request
From this example it will always run at the wifi init.
wifi_module.c line 294
and can not run out this function.It seems to wait for the state.I only changed one thing in wifi_conf.h
the old one is &sharpdefine SPWF04,I change to
&sharpdefine SPWF01
while(IO_status_flag.WiFi_WIND_State != WiFiHWStarted)
__NOP(); //nothing to do
//always in this function
Is there anyone can tell me what is wrong ? Thank you very much.
#wifi-module #stm32-f #x-cube-wifi #stm32-f4-discovery