2016-12-07 12:47 PM
There is a problem with IDE debuggers for STMF7, and as I understand, all ARM M7 core based processors. With other CORTEX controllers, when a debbuger pauses or hits a breakpoint, the debugger stops interrupt processing so that, even if interrupts are running in the system, when you single step, you go to the next line in the software module you are debugging. With the F7 debuggers, like GDB which is used by Eclipse, SW4STM32, Keil and other toolsets, when you hit a breakpoint and then try to single step, if any interrupts are running in the system, you step into an ISR, or the same instruction, not your next instruction and will keep doing this forever. The 'workaraound' is apparently to put your cursor on another line and tell the debugger to 'Run to Cursor'. But even this does not work until you disable the breakpoint where you stopped, because the interrupt return keeps taking you back to the breakpoint rather than going on.
Does anyone know if this is being fixed? Or if there is a workaround? Or if any toolsets have fixed it? I have been working on a complex application on the F746 Discovery board that uses FreeRTOS, STemWin, A/D's running interrupts etc. etc. and this bug makes it really painful to just operate. I am Using SW4STM32 but I assume this also affects the big money toochains that also use the basic GDB debugger as its main debug engine.
#f7 #sw4stm32 #ide Note: this post was migrated and contained many threaded conversations, some content may be missing.2017-11-02 12:20 PM
How did you generate a cube project for winIDEA Open?
2017-11-02 1:02 PM
Probably this
2017-11-03 1:43 AM
I had found this, but I cannot see how one of the issues described in this document can explain the single-step problem. Might be insufficient insight on my side, of course, but could you tell which of these issues you meant:
7 New 832869 CatB NDSM not inserted during periodic synchronization
9 Updated 830976 CatC ATB Flush acknowledged too early 12 New 833819 CatC Exception entry directly followed by Multiple wrongly traced 13 New 835371 CatC Exception level change not traced for exception 14 New 836619 CatC Data events lost in overflow 15 New 836624 CatC Preferred exception return address traced incorrectly on System Error exceptionsNone of the implications listed in the respective issues seem to match the observed behaviour.
2018-04-13 11:34 AM
Hello Tarek,,
you mentioned that this bug is already worked around in Keil ST-Link DLL.
Can you tell me more about this?
I just updated my Keil MDK installation to rev. 5.25.2, but I see no difference.
Best regards,
2018-04-13 4:23 PM
Yes, it's just a regular ARM-GCC Project that's needs to be imported. I actually would not recomment using winIdea. They had dropped the j-link support in newer versions.
i had moved to atollic truestudio.2018-04-13 4:25 PM
Yes, sure - r0 and r1 of the STM32F746 got this issue. I had moved to J-link and don't checked this in newer CPU kernel who are released since this first M7 variants.
2018-04-13 4:56 PM
ST doesn't seem to spin die on core revisions but rather uses new cores on new parts, the H743 uses the M7 r1p1, but having problems with the SWV currently, even when running slowly.
Nucleo H743ZI
Core=200000000, 200 MHz
CPUID 411FC271 DEVID 450 REVID 1003Cortex M7 r1p1STM32H7xxC0000018 20000438 0000000010110221 12000011 00000040FPU-D Single-precision and Double-precisionHCLK=200000000APB1=100000000APB2=1000000002018-04-13 6:57 PM
I thought the H7 series is 400 MHz.
are you running at 200MHz for the heat issues or die/peripheral issues ?
2018-04-13 8:39 PM
I am not sure if this is an issue of the kernal clock frequency. This is am issue of the clock speed of the 'serial wire view'. Just check out the debugger replacement of segger, who distribute this for free for the newer boards.
makes it possible to swap between st-link and j-link. In atollic and keil , this is a quite faster and more stable solution for free. In addition you can use the also available debugging tools from segger - that's a great benefit, trust me.2018-04-13 9:23 PM
I ran the board I had to hand to pull the revision/patch level, this is a board I was running slower to evaluate the Trace/SWV functionality I mentioned in the post.