2019-05-06 4:04 AM
Hello All
I have created a C project for 303k8 on TrueStudio, but I get the following messages and the startup file opens rather, upon the launch of debugger:
"No source file named C:\Users\A Yazdani\Atollic\TrueSTUDIO\STM32_workspace_9.1\F303k8-Test\src\main.c.
Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
WWDG_IRQHandler () at ..\src/startup_stm32f303x8.s:125
125 b Infinite_Loop"
I have already created, coded, and run similarly-created projects with 303RE, 446RE, and 746RE, with no problems. This is the first time I am seeing this..
Any insight would be appreciated much.
2019-05-06 5:56 AM
Your path-name contains a space. Try to use a path without a space.
2019-05-06 6:13 AM
I have another machine whose path to workspace has no space; the error also appears on that machine. Up until this point, I have been able to seamlessly run various projects for F303RE, F446RE, and F746RE on both machines. Thus, the issue seems to be more specific than the path.
2019-05-06 6:37 AM
Using a Cube - generated project ?
AFAIK, Cube messes with the WWDG behind your back.
Try setting a breakpoint at the reset handler.
2019-05-06 6:42 AM
No; I do not use Cube. I create a C (Embedded C) project in TrueStudio for the chip (not even the board) and write my own register level code. All appears as the header is, for example, #include "stm32f3xx.h".
In this case, the project contains nothing but a dead while loop that TrueStudio includes.