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STM CUBE IEEE 1588-PTP drivers

Bharat Kumar Bacha
Posted on May 07, 2018 at 20:15

I cannot find PTP drivers in the CUBE software package. We have in house PTP stack developed which needs PTP driver interface. Does STM provide drivers for Ethernt PTP-module? It would be even great if STM can provide demo project of application note AN3411.

Platform: STM32H743xi Evaluation board


Bharat Bacha,

Embedded Software Engineer


ST Employee
Posted on May 30, 2018 at 13:25




Currently, ST doesn't provide this feature.

I will raise your request to our development team to implement this feature. But, unfortunately is not at the short term planning.

With Regards,


When your question is answered, please close this topic by clicking "Accept as Solution".
Posted on May 30, 2018 at 14:57

Things ST keeps putting on slide decks and sell sheets as key features really need to have the priority and focus of the development team, if you flag them as marquee items there had better be supporting materials, otherwise you keep setting expectations you fail to meet. In the customer space this is like calling in the 'Sales Prevention Team', and is where you totally destroy all the marketing spending and efforts and make the choice of using a competitors product easy.

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​ST really needs step up on this. The IEEE 1588 hardware support in the STM32Fxxx is really good, but lack of good documentation and sample code is preventing or at least making it hard for people to use it. AN3411 (which is no longer available on the ST website) is very helpful in understanding how to configure the PTP registers, but having current demonstration software would make it a lot easier for developers to understand how to program them. The hardware even provides sniffing for the IEEE 1588 packets, but there is absolutely NO documentation on how this works.

Come on ST, you put a lot of time into adding this hardware to the STM32Fxxx, how about documenting it so people can easily use it?

Clinton Parker

Senior Software Engineer

Parker Hannifin Corporation

Electromechanical & Drives, NA

>> put a lot of time into adding this hardware to the STM32Fxxx..

I suspect they didn't, third party IP

Pounding on your FAE and local sales rep may be the most productive avenue at this point.

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Someone has taken the AN3411 code (originally for STM32F107) and ported it to STM32F4 for use on the STM32F4-Discovery boards. That code is available on github at; I am using that as a basis for getting PTP support on an STM32F7 design I am working on (and porting the code forward to FreeRTOS and HAL). The current HAL implementations have no support for the hardware time stamp feature at all, but the repo shows one way to implement it.