2020-07-15 1:39 AM
I fove the following code:
void EXTI9_5_IRQHandler(void)
if(GPSDMAStart == 1){
if(currentPing == 0 && currentPingProcessed == 1){
/* currently pong, switch to ping */
hdma_uart7_rx.Instance->CR &= ~(1 << 0);
hdma_uart7_rx.Instance->NDTR = 1000-1;
hdma_uart7_rx.Instance->M0AR = uartbufPing;
hdma_uart7_rx.Instance->CR = hdma_uart7_rx.Instance->CR|0x0011;
huart7.Instance->CR3 = 0x00000041;
currentPing = 1;
currentPongProcessed = 0;
}else if(currentPing == 1 && currentPongProcessed == 1){
/* currently ping, switch to pong */
hdma_uart7_rx.Instance->CR &= ~(1 << 0);
hdma_uart7_rx.Instance->NDTR = 1000-1;
hdma_uart7_rx.Instance->M0AR = uartbufPong;
hdma_uart7_rx.Instance->CR = hdma_uart7_rx.Instance->CR|0x0011;
huart7.Instance->CR3 = 0x00000041;
currentPing = 0;
currentPingProcessed = 0;
Uartret = HAL_UART_Receive_DMA(&huart7, uartbuf, 300);
memset(uartbufPing,0xCC, 1000); <--- fill ping and pong with 0xCC
memset(uartbufPong,0xCC, 1000);
GPSDMAStart = 1;
uint8_t rret = 0;
if(currentPing == 0 && currentPingProcessed == 0) {
currentPingProcessed = 1;
else if (currentPing == 1 && currentPongProcessed == 0){
currentPongProcessed = 1;
The EXTI9_5_IRQHandler interrupt handler comes very sec, Running the program give me the following output from both memory:
My question is why is the ping does not start from the top ? and it consistently starts with the same offset, am I doing anything wrong here ?
2020-07-15 3:52 AM
Checking and setting 2 (volatile ?) flags (currentPing and currentPing/PongProcessed) In main is not atomic i.e. is a race condition.
An interrupt can kick in e.g. right after the 1st part of the expression and might break the check.
You should wrap the check by disable/enable EXTI9_5_IRQ or even better rewrite the code to handle the ISR state variables only in the ISR.
Should be doable for your ping/pong test.
2020-07-15 4:55 AM
What STM32 is being used here? Do you manage cache coherency?
2020-07-15 6:17 PM
Its stm32F733, how do I manage that ?
2020-07-15 6:32 PM
currentPing/PongProcessed are separated, I think even if it kick in right afer the 1st part if the expression it will also work right ?