2019-07-29 5:43 AM
I have a question related to the GPIOs PC13/PC14/PC15. Due to the fact that in my project I am running out of the other GPIO pins I have a question related to those pins above. I know that those pins have limitation to max 3mA sink current so do you see a problem to use them to drive LED ( I need to create a heart bit for the MCU ) where I will use LED and limit the forward current to 2-2.5mA ?
Thank you in advance
2019-07-29 7:02 AM
Use PC13-15 as Open Drain with the LED connected to VCC and you can sink current like in the other pins. If for some reason you need to source, make sure that source current for PC13-15 added does not exceed 3 mA.
2019-08-10 5:21 AM
I am really apologize for being silence for a while, but I have stuck with other work. Really appreciate for your confirmation. I am using those pins as Open Drain so simply clear.
Thank you so much
Jacek Pieczaba
2023-06-21 10:57 AM
Except the datasheet says it can do 3mA for sourcing and sinking. Page 64 https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/stm32f103c8.pdf