2013-12-19 12:59 AM
hi,i am trying to overclock stm32f4 but i have two questions
1:if i overclock stm32f407vg to 200mhz from 168mhz will it decrease lifetime of the chip?2:what's the voltage required by stm32f4 to run at 168mhz. #i2c #stm32f4discovery #stm32f103rbt6 #overclock #24c042013-12-19 8:27 AM
I'd be less worried about physical damage/wear than not fully understanding where the critical paths in the design are, and transparent failure.
2013-12-20 1:11 AM
Hi Clive,
Actually i need your help. I'm trying to write a data to eeprom using i2c protocol. when i initiate the start condition i am getting ev5 response from eeprom & when i try to initiate the address, i am getting Arbitration lost error & Bus error. I don't know why i'm getting this error & how to overcome this error ??.... i'm using stm32f103rbt6 & i have attached my code..plz go through it. Thank you Clive....... ________________ Attachments : I2c_Code.txt : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Hzsy&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bRG%2FARyKEH_zOEWkvHorrsreQlCape8OhgOA87LiB6hyePY&asPdf=false