2020-01-08 4:44 AM
Is there a version of openOCD compiled by STM which contains all the latest cards (notably the NUCLEO-G071RB) and is it possible to obtain the command generated by STM32CubeIDE configured with openOCD.
Because I would like to use another IDE (CLION) and I have relative difficulty in configuring openOCD.
Thank you.
2020-01-14 3:31 AM
for everyone using Windows, there is a precompiled openocd for windows on https://gnutoolchains.com/arm-eabi/openocd/ which includes files for the Nucleo G0 (working for me with the Nucleo-G071RB).
2020-01-15 12:09 PM
Oh, look here: https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/OpenOCD
2020-01-15 12:28 PM
Thank you,
but I do not believe that this deposit allows you to receive the NUCLEO-G071RB card (or others G0 MCUs).
2020-01-15 12:31 PM
I use Linux, but thanks, for the other projects it will be really useful.
2020-01-15 9:42 PM
Doesn't any openOCD do? You just need to have the configuration files for the board (chip + interface). See ...openocd/scripts/...
Eclipse is written in Java and it doesn't matter on which OS you run it.
I think Eclipse has a plugin (gnu-mcu-eclipse) that needs to be installed...
the "-f" swithes need to be added to tell the openOCD which configuration files you use.
I'm using Linux (Mint and Debian), but I don't have the development environment installed on this computer I'm using now, so can't check.
2020-01-16 5:08 AM
You need the flash driver for the particular family and device. Although the flash module for the G0 and the L4 are quite similar, they're not identical. And each and every device has its subtypes, each of which in turn has its own odds. Moreover: the L4 core instructions set is a superset of that for the G0, so a "downgrade" of the flash loader is necessary ... The configuration files are only the cake's topping.
2020-01-17 9:20 AM
Funny, how I've been using just Linux, Eclipse, OpenOCD and ST-link mini to play with "blue pill"...
Well, the ST-link (mini) requires the right (Linux) USB-driver.
Note that J-TAG or SWD access the system through the processor (the debug-HW).
2020-01-17 2:57 PM
Maybe this is of help?
Note that there are new pages, where, you can get a newer precompiled OpenOCD.