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OCTO SPI output impedance on H7-series

Senior II

I have swapped from a custom PCB-board with a 6-layer stack using a STM32H725IGKB, to another custom board with a 4-layer stack using STM32H723ZGT6 (simpler package).

I am using an external OCTO SPI on both boards, but I have R/W errors with the 4-layer board.

Both boards are routed with 50 ohms impedance and uses 33 ohms series resistors for the OCTO SPI.

I am wondering if the output impedance is the same for these two H7-devices?


Many thanks tjaekel,

I believe I have reasonable “precautions steps” into consideration.

  • All traces are length matched more or less exactly with a minimum of vias.
  • No other signals in that area of the PCB.
  • Power decoupling seems fine.
  • I have a relatively simple scope measuring max 100 MHz but I have checked all signals one-by-one during a R/W-loop for low speed. Signals looks ok even though having some ringing, but not more than my working 6-layer board.
  • For lower speeds, I can read configuration register and IDs but as soon as I switch over in memory mapped mode and start do R/W-tests there are R/W errors.

Otherwise I think I have tested everything accept for the DLYB

I am uncertain on how to measure cross-over or GND noise, do you have any tip?





Principal II

Memory-mapped mode doesn't even work with a clock rate of 20 MHz (or anything else below the 47 MHz mentioned in the datasheet) ?

The ringing you see on the scope might come from your scope measurement itself, always use a spring tip for GND, not the usual 10cm or so GND clip.

Memory mapped mode works fine with OCTO SPI freq. set to 166 MHz (max for the chip) on the 6-layer board.

On the 4-layer board R/W does not seem to work even how low I set the freq.

Try at very low speed, 4 or even 1 MHz, to prove your design, but check with scope, the _C pins still working at all ( as I said, I killed one just by using at 16 Mbit - then it never worked again ! ). So maybe you already have a dead pin, then cannot use it to prove the design.




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Senior II

Thank you all for contributing with good ideas and advices, highly appreciated :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I'll park this thread now and will go ahead with a new PCB-design without using PC2_C/PC3_C.

Senior II

Problem solved!

It turned out to be the PC2_C/PC3_C pins that caused the faulty communication. I just received a new PCB-version of our custom board and it all works fine now using another pin assignments.

Many, many thanks for pointing this out :grinning_face: