2023-06-16 9:07 AM
Started with the FreeRTOS example I am trying to communicate over uart with a sim7600G. I have setup my usart2. I am able to send data but the returned value contains only the data sended and no response from the sim7600G.
I have tried with an external serial converter and with the same ports I can read the sim7600G.
For example when I send "AT\n" to the sim7600G with the serial conveter I get "AT\n\nOK\n"
When I send "AT\n" with the nucleo-U575 board I only get "AT\n". What can be wrong in my setup?
This is my code that I use:
HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart2, ReceiveITStr, sizeof(ReceiveITStr));
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, "AT\n", sizeof("AT\n"), 10);
printf("thread ln300: %s\n\n", ReceiveITStr);
Kind regards
Solved! Go to Solution.
2023-06-21 10:00 AM
Thank you for your feebdack.
When I placed the sizeof in a printf it showed "25". So I would think this works correctly.
printf("connection thread ln300: sizeOf:%i sizeOf:%i receivestr:%s\n", sizeof(ReceiveITStr), sizeof("AT\n"), ReceiveITStr);
After doing some more tests I figured it out. My problem was that I used "\n" and that I needed to use "\r" at the end of the command. I think the "\r" gets added by default by the external converter board.
Kind regards
2023-06-16 9:38 AM
returns 4 as it is a pointer. So that may explain why you're getting only 4 bytes...
Try with a value of 7 as you're expecting 7 bytes.
2023-06-21 10:00 AM
Thank you for your feebdack.
When I placed the sizeof in a printf it showed "25". So I would think this works correctly.
printf("connection thread ln300: sizeOf:%i sizeOf:%i receivestr:%s\n", sizeof(ReceiveITStr), sizeof("AT\n"), ReceiveITStr);
After doing some more tests I figured it out. My problem was that I used "\n" and that I needed to use "\r" at the end of the command. I think the "\r" gets added by default by the external converter board.
Kind regards