2021-06-20 9:37 PM
Hello ,
I am using NUCLEO-H745ziq board. I am trying to loopbacking. SPI1 and SPI3 i am using. SPI1 as full duplex slave and SPI3 as full duplex master.Both operating on 25MHZ.
But i have issue with is MOSI pin.Because PB5 is assigned to both. But when I tried to use another alternate pins for I did not get ouput. So which pin I have to use for MOSI.
2021-06-21 7:19 AM
The datasheet and STM32CubeMX will list possible pins for a given function.
In this case, PB2, PC12, PD6, and PB5 can be chosen for SPI3_MOSI. Choose one that isn't being used for anything else and is available on your device.