2021-03-24 06:51 AM
Hi guys,
I started a project on keil µVision5.34 and a NUCLEO-H723ZG board. I would like to implement TCP-IP connection with a computer.
After receiving an ARP request from the computer, the microcontroller enters in hardfault_handler. So it doesn't send its MAC address, and the TCP handshake can't be executed.
Here I give you the description of my project :
1. In µVision RTE selection :
CMSIS -> CORE Enabled
CMSIS -> RTOS2 (API) -> Keil RTX5 Enabled, Source
CMSIS Driver -> Ethernet MAC (API) -> Ethernet MAC enabled
CMSIS Driver -> Ethernet PHY (API) -> LAN8742A enabled
Compiler -> Event Recorder enabled
Compiler -> I/O -> STDOUT enabled, EVR
Device -> Startup enabled
Device -> STM32Cube Framework (API) -> STM32CubeMX enabled
Device -> STM32Cube HAL -> common enabled
Device -> STM32Cube HAL -> Cortex enabled
Device -> STM32Cube HAL -> DMA enabled
Device -> STM32Cube HAL -> ETH enabled
Device -> STM32Cube HAL -> GPIO enabled
Device -> STM32Cube HAL -> PWR enabled
Device -> STM32Cube HAL -> RCC enabled
Network MDK-Pro
Network -> Core enabled, IPv4 Debug STDIO
Network -> Interface -> ETH to 1
Network -> Socket -> TCP enabled
2. In STM32CubeMX :
Clock config -> SYSCLK 400 MHz / Peripheral clocks 200 and 100MHz
Connectivity -> ETH -> Mode RMII / Parameters by default ( @MAC:00:80:E1:00:00:00 / Tx Desciptor length : 4 / First Tx Descriptor @ 0x30040060 / Rx descriptor Length : 4 / first RX descriptor @ 0x30040000 / Rx Buffer @ : 0x30040200 / Rx Buffers Length : 1524)
I redirected ETH_TXD0 on PG13 and ETH_TX_EN on PG11 which are the pin used on the nucleo board
I set all GPIO pin to High
System Core -> NVIC -> NVIC -> Ethernet global interrupt enabled
System Core -> NVIC -> Code generation -> generate IRQ handler disabled for System service call via SWI instruction, Pendable request for system service and Time base : System tick timer
This is required to use RTX5 which already use these IRQ_handler
PC13 declared as EXTI, and PB0, PE1 and PB14 as DO to drive 3 Leds that blink if program is running
System Core -> Cortex_M7 configured as described in "EMAC_STM32H7xx.c" (CMSIS Driver)
CPU_ICache enable
CPU_DCache enabled
MPU Control Mode : Background Region Privileged accesses only + MPU Disabled
Cortex MPU Region 0 -> MPU region enable
Cortex MPU Region 0 -> Base @ : 0x30040000
Cortex MPU Region 0 -> Region size : 32KB
Cortex MPU Region 0 -> Subregion disabled
Cortex MPU Region 0 -> TEX filed level : 1
Cortex MPU Region 0 -> Access permission : all access permitted
Cortex MPU Region 0 -> instruction disabled
Cortex MPU Region 0 -> shareability disabled
Cortex MPU Region 0 -> cacheable disabled
Cortex MPU Region 0 -> bufferable disabled
Cortex MPU Region 1 -> MPU region enable
Cortex MPU Region 1 -> Base @ : 0x30040000
Cortex MPU Region 1 -> Region size : 256KB
Cortex MPU Region 1 -> Subregion disabled
Cortex MPU Region 1 -> TEX filed level : 0
Cortex MPU Region 1 -> Access permission : all access permitted
Cortex MPU Region 1 -> instruction disabled
Cortex MPU Region 1 -> shareability enabled
Cortex MPU Region 1 -> cacheable disabled
Cortex MPU Region 1 -> bufferable enabled
Generate the project
3. Net_Config_ETH_0.h : IPV6 disabled, NetBIOS Name Service disabled, Dynamic Host Conf disabled. Rest as default
Net_Debug.c : IPv4 Core Debug : Full Debug and Socket debug : full debug
4. Options for target -> Linker -> Scatter File : I put the scatter file of the STM32CubeMX example for the NUCLEO-H723ZG board : LwIP_TCP_Echo_Server
As suggested in : https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X00009XkYKNSA3/problem-with-network-component-on-stm32h7-cubemx-and-keil
5. On main.c generated by CubeMX i added (as described in CMSIS doc) RTX initialization and app_main.c thread starting
6. I created a file app_main.c and i added the content of the User Code Template : Network -> Socket : TCP -> TCP Socket Server
I enabled the SRAM2 clock in this file
Compilation is OK
After startup the chip boots and start netInitialize routine. After that i launched an exe on my comptuter which start communication with the board. microtronller enter in hardfault after receiving the ARP request without sending its response.
On wireshark the ARP request appears without response :
Source : goodWayI_58:22:35 Destination: Broadcast, Protocol : ARP, Length : 42, Info : Who has Tell
I saw that stm32h723 has seen this request on debug console, but enters in hardfault IRQ when it tries to send his response.
Do you have an idea what i may be missing ?
you'll find attached the code added in main.c
Here the debug console :
000.0 SYS:Init Network 7.14.0
000.0 ETH:Init_interface 0
000.0 ETH: MAC (1E-30-6C-A2-45-5E)
000.0 IP4:Init Core, Default ETH0
000.0 ARP:Init_cache ETH0, 10 entries
000.0 ICMP:Init Client
000.0 TCP:Init 6 Sockets
000.0 TCP: MaxSegSize=1440
000.0 SYS:Init complete
000.0 TCP:Get Socket 1
000.0 TCP:Listen Socket 1, Port 52000
001.9 ETH:Link 0 up
001.9 ETH: 100M, Full duplex
002.0 ETH:*** Process_frame 0 ***
002.0 ETH: SrcMAC 00-50-B6-58-22-35
002.0 ETH: Proto ARP, 60 bytes
002.0 ARP:*** Process_frame ETH0 ***
002.0 ARP: Opcode ARP-REQUEST
002.0 ARP: SendIp
002.0 ARP: TargIp
002.0 ARP: SendMac 00-50-B6-58-22-35
002.0 ARP: TargMac 00-00-00-00-00-00
002.0 ARP: Discarded, SendAddr invalid
002.8 ARP:*** Process_frame ETH0 ***
002.8 ARP: Opcode ARP-REQUEST
002.8 ARP: SendI68.0.10
002.8 ARP: TargIp
002.8 ARP: SendMac 00-50-B6-58-22-35
002.8 ARP: TargMac 00-00-00-00-00-00
002.8 ARP:Cache_add ETH0
002.8 ARP: IP4
002.8 ARP: MAC 00-50-B6-58-22-35
002.8 ARP: Entry 1 added
002.8 ARP:Send_reply ETH0
002.8 ARP: Opcode ARP-REPLY
002.8 ARP: SendIp
002.8 ARP: TargIp
002.8 ARP: SendMac 1E-30-6C-A2-45-5E
002.8 ARP: TargMac 00-50-B6-58-22-35
002.8 ETH:Output 0, 42 bytes