2021-01-13 3:30 AM
NSS the output ignores the settings, and according to the waveform, the outputs are in the hiz state, because you can see the leads that are not damped by pressing to the ground.
// Bit 4 FRF: Frame format
// 0: SPI Motorola mode
// 1 SPI TI mode
// SPI2->CR2 |= 1<<4;
// Bit 3 NSSP : NSS pulse management
// This bit is used in master mode only. it allow the SPI to generate an NSS pulse between two
// consecutive data when doing continuous transfers. In the case of a single data transfer, it
// forces the NSS pin high level after the transfer.
// It has no meaning if CPHA = ’1’, or FRF = ’1’.
// 0: No NSS pulse
// 1: NSS pulse generated
// Note: 1. This bit must be written only when the SPI is disabled (SPE=0).
// 2. This bit is not used in I2S mode and SPI TI mode.
SPI2->CR2 |= 1<<3;
// Bit 2 SSOE: SS output enable
// 0: SS output is disabled in master mode and the SPI interface can work in multimaster
// configuration
// 1: SS output is enabled in master mode and when the SPI interface is enabled. The SPI
// interface cannot work in a multimaster environment.
// Note: This bit is not used in I 2 S mode and SPI TI mode.
SPI2->CR2 |= 1<<2;
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-01-16 4:35 PM
I had a look at the LTC6804 and it appears to be a very complicated chip and I am not going to try to understand its working. However, this
CSB must remain low
for the entire duration of a command sequence, including
between a command byte and subsequent data.
indicates, that the STM32 SPI NSS pulsing mode is not usable for your case anyway.
So, the best thing to do is to set NSS to GPIO, and control it "manually", according to the required protocol.
2021-01-13 5:33 AM
Read out and check/post content of SPI and relevant GPIO registers.
Post relevant portions of the runtime code (best, a complete compilable but minimal program) and screenshot of waveform.
What exactly is your hardware and how exactly do you measure? Post photo.
2021-01-14 1:34 AM - edited 2023-11-20 9:18 AM
data lines, through 1k resistors, are connected to the LTC6820 IC, and it in turn outputs normal isolatedSPI pulses, but the STM32F303 does not want to clock the NSS output normally
GPIOB->MODER |= ( 1 << 25 ); //10: Alternate function mode
GPIOB->OSPEEDR |= (( 1 << 24 ) | ( 1 << 25 ));
GPIOB->AFR[1] |= (( 1 << 16 ) | ( 1 << 18 ));
uart_1_send_debug_var_1 ( (uint32_t) (GPIOB->MODER & ( 1 << 25 ) )) ;
sends :
DEBG: var 1 : 0x02000000
uart_1_send_debug_var_1 ( (uint32_t) (GPIOB->OSPEEDR) & (( 1 << 24 ) | ( 1 << 25 )) );
sends :
DEBG: var 1 : 0x03000000
uart_1_send_debug_var_1 ( (uint32_t) (GPIOB->AFR[1]) & (( 1 << 16 ) | ( 1 << 18 )));
DEBG: var 1 : 0x00050000
SPI2->CR1 |= 1<<3 | 1<<4 | 1<<5 ;
uart_1_send_debug_var_1 ( (uint32_t) (SPI2->CR1) & (1<<3 | 1<<4 | 1<<5)) ;
DEBG: var 1 : 0x00000038
SPI2->CR1 |= 1<<2;
uart_1_send_debug_var_1 ( (uint32_t) (SPI2->CR1) & (1<<2)) ;
DEBG: var 1 : 0x00000004
SPI2->CR2 |= 1<<8 | 1<<9 | 1<<10;
uart_1_send_debug_var_1 ( (uint32_t) (SPI2->CR2) & (1<<8 | 1<<9 | 1<<10)) ;
DEBG: var 1 : 0x00000700
SPI2->CR2 |= 1<<3;
uart_1_send_debug_var_1 ( (uint32_t) (SPI2->CR2) & (1<<3 )) ;
DEBG: var 1 : 0x00000008
SPI2->CR2 |= 1<<2;
uart_1_send_debug_var_1 ( (uint32_t) (SPI2->CR2) & (1<<2 )) ;
DEBG: var 1 : 0x00000004
in systick , on 2 Hz, send:
spi_2_put_string( "1" , 1 ); // tested. work.
see pic
2021-01-14 9:13 AM
Make sure you have continuity from the NSS pin from the pin to the point of measurement, measuring at the point where the metal of the pin leaves the plastic of the case.
As an experiment, turn the given pin to GPIO Output and toggle it "manually" in the program and observe.
I'm interested also in the zeros in the registers, and also in the fields you don't set deliberately. Don't mask them when sending out. Perform the whole setup, and only just before attempting to send, transmit the *whole* registers, no masking.
This would be easier to do in debugger.
2021-01-14 10:00 AM
Overly selective masking, won't show what's in the actual registers
uart_1_send_debug_var_1 ( (uint32_t) (GPIOB->MODER & ( 0x3 << 24)) ) ;
uart_1_send_debug_var_1 ( (uint32_t) (GPIOB->OSPEEDR & ( 0x3 << 24)) );
uart_1_send_debug_var_1 ( (uint32_t) (GPIOB->AFR[1] & ( 0xF << 16 )));
Same with OR'ing bits on, it won't clear other bits.
2021-01-14 10:22 AM
bitmasks are calculated in parentheses, first in priority, if you print just a mask, without a REGISTER&, then the result is the same, I checked.
in addition, the compiler can optimize literal constants, and it will see that this is an immutable expression, and replace it with a ready-made number, MCU will not even know that initially there were three different bits set separately.
2021-01-14 11:16 AM
Are you sure the LTC6820 isn't driving the pin back into the STM32?
2021-01-15 9:37 AM
I made a measurement directly on the output of the IC,
and just in case, I measured the neighboring pins 5 steps
in each direction. I didn't see anything new. and just in case,
I took a reserve STM32F3DISCOVERY board, and its behavior is the same.
spi_2_put_string( "1", 1 ); // test. work.
after send, debug the REG:
uart_1_send_debug_var_1 ( (uint32_t) RCC->APB1ENR ) ;
DEBG: var 1 : 0x10024000
0001 0000 0000 0010 0100 0000 0000 0000
//RCC->APB1ENR |= ( 1 << 14 );
uart_1_send_debug_var_1 ( (uint32_t) GPIOB->MODER ) ;
DEBG: var 1 : 0xAA000280
1010 1010 0000 0000 0000 0010 1000 0000
//GPIOB->MODER |= ( 1 << 25 );
uart_1_send_debug_var_1 ( (uint32_t) GPIOB->OSPEEDR ) ;
DEBG: var 1 : 0xFF0000C0
1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 1100 0000
//GPIOB->OSPEEDR |= (( 1 << 24 ) | ( 1 << 25 ));
uart_1_send_debug_var_1 ( (uint32_t) GPIOB->AFR[1] ) ;
DEBG: var 1 : 0x55550000
0101 0101 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0000
//GPIOB->AFR[1] |= (( 1 << 16 ) | ( 1 << 18 ));
uart_1_send_debug_var_1 ( (uint32_t) SPI2->CR1 ) ;
DEBG: var 1 : 0x0000007F
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0111 1111
//SPI2->CR1 |= 1<<3 | 1<<4 | 1<<5 ;
// Bits 5:3 BR[2:0]: Baud rate control
// 000: f PCLK /2
// 001: f PCLK /4
// 010: f PCLK /8
// 011: f PCLK /16
// 100: f PCLK /32
// 101: f PCLK /64
// 110: f PCLK /128
// 111: f PCLK /256
//SPI2->CR1 |= 1<<2;
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0111 1111
// Bit 2 MSTR: Master selection
// 0: Slave configuration
// 1: Master configuration
// Note: This bit should not be changed when communication is ongoing.
// This bit is not used in I 2 S mode.
// SPI2->CR1 |= 1<<1;
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0111 1111
// Bit1 CPOL: Clock polarity
// 0: CK to 0 when idle
// 1: CK to 1 when idle
// Note: This bit should not be changed when communication is ongoing.
// This bit is not used in I 2 S mode and SPI TI mode except the case when CRC is applied at TI mode.
//SPI2->CR1 |= 1;
0111 1111
// Bit 0 CPHA: Clock phase
// 0: The first clock transition is the first data capture edge
// 1: The second clock transition is the first data capture edge
// Note: This bit should not be changed when communication is ongoing.
// This bit is not used in I 2 S mode and SPI TI mode except the case when CRC is applied at TI mode.
2021-01-15 9:38 AM
uart_1_send_debug_var_1 ( (uint32_t) SPI2->CR2 ) ;
DEBG: var 1 : 0x000017EC
0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0111 1110 1100
12 bit ok
8 bit ok
7 bit ok
6 bit ok
5 bit ok
4 bit ok
3 bit ok
2 bit ok
1;0; bit ok
// Bit 12 FRXTH: FIFO reception threshold
// This bit is used to set the threshold of the RXFIFO that triggers an RXNE event
// 0: RXNE event is generated if the FIFO level is greater than or equal to 1/2 (16-bit)
// 1: RXNE event is generated if the FIFO level is greater than or equal to 1/4 (8-bit)
// Note: This bit is not used in I2S mode.
SPI2->CR2 |= 1<<12;
// Bits 11:8 DS [3:0]: Data size
// These bits configure the data length for SPI transfers:
// 0000: Not used
// 0001: Not used
// 0010: Not used
// 0011: 4-bit
// 0100: 5-bit
// 0101: 6-bit
// 0110: 7-bit
// 0111: 8-bit
// 1000: 9-bit
// 1001: 10-bit
// 1010: 11-bit
// 1011: 12-bit
// 1100: 13-bit
// 1101: 14-bit
// 1110: 15-bit
// 1111: 16-bit
// If software attempts to write one of the “Not used�? values, they are forced to the value “0111�?(8-bit).
// Note: This bit is not used in I2S mode.
// on reset is 8 bit;
//SPI2->CR2 |= 1<<8 | 1<<9 | 1<<10 | 1<<11;
SPI2->CR2 |= 1<<8 | 1<<9 | 1<<10;
// Bit 7 TXEIE: Tx buffer empty interrupt enable
// 0: TXE interrupt masked
// 1: TXE interrupt not masked. Used to generate an interrupt request when the TXE flag is set.
SPI2->CR2 |= 1<<7 ;
// Bit 6 RXNEIE: RX buffer not empty interrupt enable
// 0: RXNE interrupt masked
// 1: RXNE interrupt not masked. Used to generate an interrupt request when the RXNE flag is set.
SPI2->CR2 |= 1<<6;
// Bit 5 ERRIE: Error interrupt enable
// This bit controls the generation of an interrupt when an error condition occurs (CRCERR,
// OVR, MODF in SPI mode, FRE at TI mode and UDR, OVR, and FRE in I 2 S mode).
// 0: Error interrupt is masked
// 1: Error interrupt is enabled
SPI2->CR2 |= 1<<5;
// Bit 4 FRF: Frame format
// 0: SPI Motorola mode
// 1 SPI TI mode
// SPI2->CR2 |= 1<<4;
// Bit 2 SSOE: SS output enable
// 0: SS output is disabled in master mode and the SPI interface can work in multimaster
// configuration
// 1: SS output is enabled in master mode and when the SPI interface is enabled. The SPI
// interface cannot work in a multimaster environment.
// Note: This bit is not used in I 2 S mode and SPI TI mode.
SPI2->CR2 |= 1<<2;
// try to heand directly drive
// gpio B reset val : 0x0000 0280
GPIOB->MODER |= ( 1 << 24 );
directly manual check pin :
#define SET_PORT_B_BIT(IN) ( GPIOB->BSRR = 1 << IN )
#define RESET_PORT_B_BIT(IN) ( GPIOB->BSRR = ( 1 << IN ) << 16 )
by systick: (2 Hz)
it work fine.
2021-01-15 9:40 AM
Yes, I'm sure, because the chips are not connected directly, but through a 1k resistor, and I can see the levels on both sides of this resistor. it hangs in the air and collects cues from the clock output and from the data line. see the picture, there are just some tips slightly higher than the rest.