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NO FMC_SDNCAS alternate function info in

sheng yang

I want to design a baord with stm32h7b0zbt6 with extranal sdram chip W9825G6KH-6. I get PG15 with FMC_SDNCAS alt func in datasheet as below:

Screenshot from 2024-04-05 07-23-59.png

But when I looked the PG15 alt func config I get as below info, I could not found an alternate function number for FMC_SDNCAS here ?? why they are not consistent ?
Screenshot from 2024-04-05 07-24-23.png



Yes, the H743 document looks to be more internally consistent.

But given the constant musical chairs and incremental changes in the design and muxing it's important to get correct.

The H7Bx has OCTOSPI, the H74x has QUADSPI, I'm pretty sure pin and AF assignments moved/changed to the point that drivers/loaders coded for one H7 don't work on another.

For FMC pay attention to PG12 thru PG15 the H7Bx RM missed these too.

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Thank you for the clarification. 

I'm raising the remaining issues to be fixed.

PG12 - FMC_NE4 - AF12

PG13 - FMC_A24 - AF12

PG14 - FMC_A25 - AF12



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