2020-03-26 08:08 AM
I try to work on Nucleao L476RG, and I cannot compile.
I'm from Arduino world, I'm looking for something all-in-one like their arduino-cli.
Is there any simple toolchain from ST ?
Many thanks.
2020-03-26 09:43 AM
You can use either STM32CubeIDE (https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stm32cubeide.html) or Atollic TrueStudio (https://atollic.com/truestudio/) which I prefer but is depricated. If you don't have STM32CubeMX (https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stm32cubemx.html) then you should get that also.
2020-03-26 09:46 AM
Thanks for answering, but I'm looking for is just compiling code, create .bin or .hox to upload. Not a total IDE.
2020-03-26 10:30 AM
Just unpack the .zip anywhere, it should work. Of course you need a few arguments, because it can't tell on its own which MCU series do you have.
2020-03-26 02:51 PM
Rudimentary examples using gcc from pack linked to by berendi on my website efton.sk/STM32 - while they are for the 'L476 Disco rather than Nucleo, they should be fairly easy to port, and the basic blinky has a Nucleo variant too.
2020-03-26 05:40 PM
Many thanks! And how do you know what arguments do you have to use?
I see it in your c.bat file, how can you find this ?