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Need help with project - NUCLEO-F746ZG, NTP, Time Stamping Events

Associate II

Hello! I am currently working on a project involving a NUCLEO-F746ZG board that is connected to a local NTP server and another board (let's call it X). My board needs to be synchronized with the NTP server and receive 3 pairs of timestamps from board X. These 3 pairs represent 3 time intervals during which my board must allow a signal to pass through it and reach board X. I can compare my board to a valve that lets water flow through a pipe at a specific time. My board should not introduce latencies greater than 1ms (I understand that NTP can achieve these performance levels), and because of this, I think synchronization with the NTP server should be done quite frequently. Could you give me some advice on how to start this project and what I would need? Maybe some materials would be helpful. Thank you in advance.

Chief III

If you speak about ethernet pass through isnt real term.

Nope. It's another thing. It s an analog signal. I could say that I need to turn on an LED in that time interval and could be the same. Passing the signal is different from ethernet problem

Thought of using GPS/GNSS ?

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I mean NTP with ms precision is hard job. Other when your time is ok you can use timestamps with precision of your local time

Associate II

It has to be done using NTP. First thing first I just need to do this thing, and then after I will chase the dream of sub 1ms.

SNTP and Input Capture on 3 or 4 channels of a 32-bit shouldn't be too complicated.

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