2019-06-05 1:27 AM
I am using STM32F427ZIT6 for one of the design. I am new to designing. I am connecting 8 ADC's to this device using SPI. I am using SPI4 (Pin 1,4,5). I want to know whether chip select (8 nos) can connect to any IO's?? Because NSS (slave select) is also there in SPI ex: pin 3.
Kindly help me with this.
2019-06-05 7:27 AM
Yes, you can use 8 gpios to generate 8 NSS. However, how about daisy chaining these 8 slaves using one nss for all, if possible?
2019-06-05 7:55 AM
Thank you for the help. ADC part number i chosen doesn't support daisy chain configuration.
2019-06-05 11:34 AM
Ok you are good to go to SW development now. Use DMA for efficient transfer. Good luck!