2020-10-05 3:08 AM
I am using STM32L072RB
I am receiving 26 bytes at one go from an adc using spi interface
but i found that i miss one byte out of 26 bytes(from any position) every 6-7 times of reading adc.
I saw that data byte is present using oscillosope ,but mcu misses it somehow.
I am using below code to receive each byte of data .i call it 26 times and save result in an array.
i am transmitting 0's only(c=0)
__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t spi2_read_write(unsigned char c)
uint8_t x;
GPIOB->BSRR = GPIO_PIN_12 ; //CS high
return x;
one more issue with above code:
when i start reading ,first byte(of 26 bytes) is always the one which i received last during previous read.And i always miss the last byte during my current read.
How to resolve this ?
to ignore this issue What i am doing is reading 27 instead of 26 bytes and hence ignoring the first byte always (which is 0). but its not good solution i guess
May be this issue is causing missing byte issue ?
2020-10-05 5:15 AM
Do you observe SPI registers in debugger? Don't.
2020-10-05 5:22 AM
found that when i print SPI2->SR (status register) on line 12 of above code
SPI2->SR = 3 always
but the point it misses a data byte
it becomes SPI2->SR=2 and continuous to be 2 till next cycle of 26 bytes ,
even if i miss only one byte ,not only that time ,but also till the 26th byte SR remains 2 (even though i am getting correct data)
found by reading data received and matching with SR status ,
as one byte is missed ,rest data shifts upwards in my array
2020-10-05 6:05 AM
You could read DR prior to transmitting to clear the RXNE bit. If you have spurious clock edges, this may fix it. I don't see any problems with the code you posted.
2020-10-05 1:20 PM
> SPI2->SR = 3 always
So, after a TX/RX cycle, you *normally* see *both* TXE and RXNE set? That doesn't sound right.
Reduce the program to absolute minimum exhibiting the problem, but still complete compilable, and post.