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Message when trying to run. "Debugger connection lost. Shutting down..."

Associate II

Hello all,

I'm new to ST and Cube.

I'm trying to do a "blinky" program on a nucleo-F439ZI board. Everything seems to build and load to the board ok, but when I run it I get this message...

"Debugger connection lost.

Shutting down..."

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks George

Lead III

Such things usually happen when you reconfigure the debug pins (SWD/JTAG) to GPIO functionality at runtime.

Or, in rarer cases, when the target supply voltage collapses due to the increased consumption at runtime.

I would try to start single-step debugging from the reset vector - not from main.

ST Employee

Hello @gdori.1​ ,

It may be the cause of this problem is on the configuration setting as said by @Ozone.

Also, try to upgrade the STLink Firmware and make sure to follow this article on how to make sure the STM32 board works properly: Why my STM32 doesn't start?.

When your question is answered, please close this topic by choosing Select as Best. This will help other users find that answer faster.


When your question is answered, please close this topic by clicking "Accept as Solution".
ST Employee

​Hi @gdori.1​ ,

Did the solution shared solve your problem?

I'm waiting for your update on your issue.

When your question is answered, please close this topic by choosing "Select as Best".


When your question is answered, please close this topic by clicking "Accept as Solution".
Associate II

Same issue here:

Debugger connection lost.

Shutting down...


Linux Mint 20.2

STM32CubeIDE 1.7.0

last firmware on Nucleo-32 STM32L412KB

all forum hints tested including "monitor flash mass_erase" etc...




File download complete

Time elapsed during download operation: 00:00:00.465

Verifying ...

Read progress:

[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[00;32m[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[00;32m[=========                                        ] 19%

[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[00;32m[===================                              ] 38%

[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[00;32m[============================                     ] 57%

[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[00;32m[======================================           ] 76%

[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[00;32m[===============================================  ] 95%

[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[00;32m[==================================================] 100%


Download verified successfully

[39;49m[39;49m[00;32m[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m ------ Switching context -----

COM frequency = 4000 kHz

Target connection mode: Under reset

Reading ROM table for AP 0 @0xe00fffd0

Hardware watchpoint supported by the target

ST-LINK Firmware version : V2J38M27

Device ID: 0x464

PC: 0x8000874

ST-LINK detects target voltage = 3.26 V

ST-LINK device status: HALT_MODE

ST-LINK device initialization OK

handle_vCont_c, continue thread

Debugger connection lost.

Shutting down...

Stopping port 61235

Received stop for port 61235, not accepting new connections.


Without "Log to file:"

STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 5.9.1

Copyright (c) 2021, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.

Starting server with the following options:

       Persistent Mode           : Disabled

       Logging Level             : 1

       Listen Port Number        : 61234

       Status Refresh Delay      : 15s

       Verbose Mode              : Disabled

       SWD Debug                 : Enabled

       InitWhile                 : Enabled

Waiting for debugger connection...

Debugger connected


                       STM32CubeProgrammer v2.8.0                 


ST-LINK SN : 066BFF3530384E5043154541


Board      : NUCLEO-L412KB

Voltage    : 3,27V

SWD freq   : 4000 KHz

Connect mode: Under Reset

Reset mode : Hardware reset

Device ID  : 0x464

Revision ID : Rev A

Device name : STM32L41x

Flash size : 128 KBytes

Device type : MCU

Device CPU : Cortex-M4

BL Version : 0x__

Memory Programming ...

Opening and parsing file: ST-LINK_GDB_server_FaHS9p.srec

 File         : ST-LINK_GDB_server_FaHS9p.srec

 Size         : 10744 Bytes

 Address      : 0x08000000

Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0:

Erasing internal memory sectors [0 5]

Download in Progress:

File download complete

Time elapsed during download operation: 00:00:00.459

Verifying ...

Download verified successfully

Debugger connection lost.

Shutting down...


Thanx for Your support, Peter

Associate II

some more hints:

1.) I installed StlinkRulesFilesForLinux, see



user@pc:~$ ls -l /etc/udev/rules.d/

insgesamt 40

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  245 Jun 11 17:57 49-stlinkv1.rules

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  439 Jun 11 17:57 49-stlinkv2-1.rules

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  253 Jun 11 17:57 49-stlinkv2.rules

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1368 Jun 11 17:57 49-stlinkv3.rules

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 21179 Jul 15 08:36 99-jlink.rules



2.) in the Linux logs like /var/log/dmesg and /var/log/syslog there are no hints for a malfunction of the ST-LINK/V 2.1


3.) lsusb -v

Bus 001 Device 024: ID 0483:3752 STMicroelectronics ST-LINK/V2.1

Device Descriptor:

 bLength               18

 bDescriptorType        1

 bcdUSB              2.00

 bDeviceClass         239 Miscellaneous Device

 bDeviceSubClass        2

 bDeviceProtocol        1 Interface Association

 bMaxPacketSize0       64

 idVendor          0x0483 STMicroelectronics

 idProduct         0x3752 ST-LINK/V2.1

 bcdDevice           1.00

 iManufacturer          1 STMicroelectronics

 iProduct               2 STM32 STLink

 iSerial                3 066BFF3530384E5043154541

 bNumConfigurations     1

 Configuration Descriptor:

   bLength                9

   bDescriptorType        2

   wTotalLength      0x0069

   bNumInterfaces         3

   bConfigurationValue    1

   iConfiguration         0

   bmAttributes        0x80

     (Bus Powered)

   MaxPower             300mA

   Interface Descriptor:

     bLength                9

     bDescriptorType        4

     bInterfaceNumber       0

     bAlternateSetting      0

     bNumEndpoints          3

     bInterfaceClass      255 Vendor Specific Class

     bInterfaceSubClass   255 Vendor Specific Subclass

     bInterfaceProtocol   255 Vendor Specific Protocol

     iInterface             4 ST-Link Debug

     Endpoint Descriptor:

       bLength                7

       bDescriptorType        5

       bEndpointAddress    0x81 EP 1 IN

       bmAttributes           2

         Transfer Type           Bulk

         Synch Type              None

         Usage Type              Data

       wMaxPacketSize    0x0040 1x 64 bytes

       bInterval              0

     Endpoint Descriptor:

       bLength                7

       bDescriptorType        5

       bEndpointAddress    0x01 EP 1 OUT

       bmAttributes           2

         Transfer Type           Bulk

         Synch Type              None

         Usage Type              Data

       wMaxPacketSize    0x0040 1x 64 bytes

       bInterval              0

     Endpoint Descriptor:

       bLength                7

       bDescriptorType        5

       bEndpointAddress    0x82 EP 2 IN

       bmAttributes           2

         Transfer Type           Bulk

         Synch Type              None

         Usage Type              Data

       wMaxPacketSize    0x0020 1x 32 bytes

       bInterval              0

   Interface Association:

     bLength                8

     bDescriptorType       11

     bFirstInterface        1

     bInterfaceCount        2

     bFunctionClass         2 Communications

     bFunctionSubClass      2 Abstract (modem)

     bFunctionProtocol      1 AT-commands (v.25ter)

     iFunction              6 ST-Link VCP Ctrl

   Interface Descriptor:

     bLength                9

     bDescriptorType        4

     bInterfaceNumber       1

     bAlternateSetting      0

(etc ...)

can't get device qualifier: Resource temporarily unavailable

can't get debug descriptor: Resource temporarily unavailable

Device Status:    0x0000

 (Bus Powered)

Associate II

This happens after clicking the button "Run <project> Debug". When hitting the button "Debug <project> Debug", then debugging works. Now on a freshly installed Linux Mint 20.2. mate, after installing STM32CubeIDE 1.7.0, there is no need to additionally install /etc/udev/rules.d