2024-11-29 2:48 AM
Hi everyone,
I’m working on a project with the STM32G031 Microcontroller, part of the STM32G0 series, and I’m trying to utilize its low-power modes (e.g., Sleep, Stop, and Shutdown) to reduce overall current consumption. However, I’ve noticed that the current consumption in low-power modes is the same as in active mode during my measurements.
Here’s a summary of my setup and observations:
2024-11-29 3:15 AM
Check these knowledge base articles:
etc ...
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How are you measuring the current? You really need something like STLINK-V3PWR or X-NUCLEO-LPM01A to properly see what's going on
Do you have the debugger active during your test? An active debug session will prevent the Target from truly entering low power.
When you do start getting to really low powers, you well have to watch very carefully to leakage in the rest of the hardware - including the ST-Link...