2024-07-11 12:10 PM
Hello, I am wondering why the led (LD10) stays red on the board after plugging in a micro USB cable to power it on (thus I assume that's the reason the screen stays black).
The USB cable is connected to the board (CN2 ST-LINK V3 port) and to a laptop on the other end. The JP6 jumper is on STIk on the back. See the attached pictures for details. Is there anything I did wrong ? Or should I launch something else to make the LED green?
2024-07-11 12:35 PM
LD10 being solid red is correct behavior. It indicates the USB has been connected and enumerated.
As for why the screen is black, must not be a program on the board that uses the screen. Has it ever worked? Was the chip erased? Can STM32CubeProgrammer connect, and if so, is the flash programmed?
2024-07-12 12:22 AM
Thanks for your answer.
As for the screen, I did not do anything with the chip yet, just connected it with the USB cable. So the next step is to install different softwares to set it up?
2024-07-12 06:58 AM
You're asking how to develop programs for the board? STM32CubeIDE and/or TouchGFX.
Or if you have a precompiled program and just want to load it, you can use STM32CubeProgrammer.
The chip should come with software installed which uses the screen. You can use the steps I suggested earlier to see if there's a program on the board.
2024-07-12 08:08 AM
Thanks for the answer!
I was able to download and run the tutti-frutti demo from https://www.st.com/resource/en/user_manual/um3008-stm32h7-dualcore-demo-game-user-guide-stmicroelectronics.pdf using STM32CubeProgrammer and running the program. Thanks as well for the other suggestion.
Another question : Now that the chip has the demo on it, when I boot it on, it always starts the tutti-frutti demo. How could I remove the demo from it? (maybe through STM32CubeProgrammer? cf. attached screenshot)
2024-07-12 08:21 AM
@TECO Correct.
In the top right of your screenshot, you see two light blue buttons: Erase selected sectors and Full chip erase. Just click on the right one.
2024-07-19 01:05 AM
Thanks for your answer Peter