2018-03-08 4:33 AM
Folks again problem with the Keil V6 compiler and ST source code
So code from mxCube v4.24.0the F3 lib is 1.9using Keil 5.25 with the project settings modified to the V6.9 compiler and the FPU of the F3 micro is enabled the Keil IDE produces the following warnings Follow this thread for getting MxCube projects working with Keil V6 + compilershttps://community.st.com/0D50X00009Xka2aSAB
So then building the project
assembling startup_stm32f302x8.s...
../Src/dma.c(40): warning: In file included from...../Inc\dma.h(48): warning: In file included from...../Drivers/STM32F3xx_HAL_Driver/Inc\stm32f3xx_hal.h(48): warning: In file included from...../Inc\stm32f3xx_hal_conf.h(196): warning: In file included from...../Drivers/STM32F3xx_HAL_Driver/Inc\stm32f3xx_hal_rcc.h(47): warning: In file included from...../Drivers/STM32F3xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32f3xx_hal_def.h(48): warning: In file included from...../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F3xx/Include\stm32f3xx.h(145): warning: In file included from...../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F3xx/Include/stm32f302x8.h(152): warning: In file included from...../Drivers/CMSIS/Include\core_cm4.h(189): warning: In file included from...../Drivers/CMSIS/Include\core_cmFunc.h(629): error: unknown register name 'vfpcc' in asm __ASM volatile ('VMSR fpscr, %0' : : 'r' (fpscr) : 'vfpcc');Work around
************* go to project options -> target change the floating point hardware to not used and the MxCube project will buildBut in the future I would like to use the FPU so how do I get around this ?
attached is the mxCube project that generated the code
null2018-03-08 8:10 AM
The incompatibility is in ARM-supplied headers (CMSIS stuff comes from ARM) - so should be fixed by ARM (Keil).
-- pa