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Jump to bootloader F04x impossible

Chief III

AN2606 note


can ST publish code part and jump adress to fake this limitation? In real world must exist.



The bootloader can be read out/disassembled/debugged.


In the real world you'd typically write your own loader, as the system loader is mainly for factory programming or bricked recovery. It's really not designed for an End User Experience

One could presumably determine secondary entry points, or patch the ROM

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Yes and too can be profesionaly documented or as i ask some years before, provide h file with lib calls into systemloader area. For example can save space and duplicate code etc...

Yeah, I understand, but I don't see that happening. The total disinterest in touching this in 15-years sends a pretty strong message, in my opinion.

Sure, they could have documented it, added entry points like ATMEL-SAMBA, or ROM useful code like TI, but this is a path not taken. Further creating shed-loads of documentation would just tie everyone's hands and create massive and on-going dependencies and regression issues.

There's very little in these pseudo-ROM loaders that can't be done better via other methods. Stuff that's going to work better for the specifics of your own boards, or the experience your own customers get to enjoy.

How to erase and replace the system loader might be a better topic to go to bat on..

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