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JTAG connections for STM32G474 controller



I am connecting STM32V2 debugger at following pins. 



This supports SWD. I want to use JTAG pins and want to use STM32V2 debugger as a JTAG connection for debugging purpose.


can you support me how to connect or which pins to be used and what is the procedure to change from SWD to JTAG mode?






Again, you're only showing one end of the connection - both ends need to be correct for the connection to work!

Are you sure you're using the correct cable?

You still haven't said why you want JTAG when SWD works fine?


Right now we are using SWD only. but it is observed that the MCU comes out of the debugging mode once the system starts to draw the power. Hence we want to try the same scenario with JTAG connections. 

>SWD connection works fine but we have observation that when MCU is in debugging mode and MCU is generating PWM pulses for power circuit, the moment power circuit starts to draw the power, MCU comes out of the debugging and we are not able to watch the various parameters in watch window. Hence, we would like to go with JTAG and want to debug the code during power circuit in operation.

So forget your "jtag will solve my problems idea" - connecting with jtag will show same behaviour.

Best solution: dont debug, while power circuits running. (Or : only possible solution, depends on the "power" of your system there. )

I work on inverters with 1...120 kW output - and believe me, nothing will work reliable with some low level cable connected to debug - even on (potential free)  Laptop, when inverter starting.

Maybe with Laptop (running on battery supply) + isolated debug adapter might work. 

This you could try... ST-LINK/V2-ISOL , to have swd debug connection on running power unit.

Usually i debug on a simulator and on big inverter only by serial "debug" printf (not sensible to every small spike).



My impression : st-link V3 more sensitive to small EMI/spikes on ground than V2 .

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