2016-08-10 12:54 AM
Chip : STM32F303RE
Toolochain : COIDE Hello everyone, I have a piece of code at the 0x08000000 and i am trying to jump to another piece at 0x8010000 (previously dowloaded via bluetooth, sent by a smartphone). I already setted the Vector table top the right address (0x08010000 as reffered to the .map file) and I can say that this address is correct because I can use interrupts on Timer after booting on the new address. But once boot is done I haven't got any interrupts on USART, this is weird because while debugging I saw that i could use interrupts on timer to send a message to my smartphone after boot (via USART). After reboot, there is an initialisation of Timer and USART interrupts I am using a HC05 bluetoth module. I also use MC workbench to configure motor control and there is a way to configure USART via software, I also tried this way and it doesn't work neither after reboot. Anyone as an idea on how to fix this ? Thank you all for your help. Nicolas #stm32-iap-programming-usart-boot2016-09-01 5:00 AM
Hello marechal.nicolas,
The problem description is a bit hard to follow. Can you post your main code to help with the troubleshooting?2016-09-01 5:43 AM
If some interrupts work but not others then either you have errors in the vector table, or your interrupt handler isn't working. Do you trap all unused interrupts to an error routine? That will tell you if your vector table has entries in the wrong place.
Check the NVIC registers to see if the USART interrupt is configured correctly. Check RCC to make sure the USART clock is enabled.
Jack Peacock