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ITM_SendChar on NUCLEO-F767ZI with ST-Link Utility

Associate II


I've got a NUCLEO-F767ZI and I've just tried calling ITM_SendChar and watching for the output using ST-Link Utility SWO Viewer.

I see some strange characters in the SWO Viewer but not what I've sent.

It looks like it is sort of working but that the clock frequency is wrong or something. I've set the frequency to 216 MHz and tried various other possible frequencies.

I thought it should be simple to use ITM_SendChar but perhaps there's some initialisation or some thing that needs doing. I'm not using the HAL, I've got my application up and running just using the LL drivers.

I've got the latest ST-Link Utility and updated the firmware on the ST-LINK/V2-1.

Any thoughts greatly appreciated!



Try not initializing the clocks, ie don't call SystemClock_Config()

Select 16 MHz as the clock in the SWO Viewer

If that works then printf() SystemCoreClock out via a USART when you do initialize the clocks.

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