2016-07-24 11:42 PM
We are using STM32l476 uC with Jlink segger debugger, and trying to print logs through ITM to Segger J-Link SWO Viewer , the 48 MHz HSE clock is being used as sysclk with RCC_PLL_NONE, We are using ITM_SendChar API present in core_cm4.h Do we need to configure anything before using ITM_SendChar API ? Can anyone please provide any application note ? #stm32l4 #itm #printf-swo-debug2016-07-25 12:54 AM
1. Consider RTT,
2. http://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/products/development-tools/software-development-tools/stm32-software-development-tools/stm32-performance-and-debuggers/stsw-stm32103.html2016-07-26 10:20 AM
Have you set the following bit inside the DBGMCU_CR?
2016-08-01 9:29 PM
2016-08-01 9:32 PM
Thanks, but I can't find anything related to configuring ITM and SWO :(2016-08-02 12:31 AM
google told me eeverything.......
2016-08-05 7:47 AM
Thats true, thanks :)