2011-12-29 5:42 AM
i'am looking for an example howto implement an USB High-Speed Device in isochronous mode. I have found several examples for full-speed, but I need Highspeed. Porting full-speed examples to highspeed hasn't work. So, could anybody help me by sending an example listing how to implement an isochrounus usb highspeed device with the STM32F207? THx Buddy2011-12-30 9:58 AM
Hi Buddy,
I am also looking urgently for a Hi-Speed USB example. I would be happy with ANY. Can you give me a link to a Full-Speed USB example (ANY), which is working on a STM32F2? Which demo board do you use? (do you think, it might work also on STM32F4 and STM32-F4-Discovery board or on the MCBSTM32F400 board of Keil?2012-01-02 7:23 AM
Hello bil.til,
you can find the example at http://www.st.com/internet/mcu/product/245087.jsp ( STM32F105/7 and STM32F2xx USB on-the-go Host and device library (UM1021) 2.0.0 2718KB ) There is an usb full speed audio isochronous example included in this library. This example works well with STM32F2. But it should also work with MCBSTM32F200/400. But my problem of porting this from full speed to high speed is still available. No comments from other users here in the forum! Has anybody some ideas or examples regarding high speed isochronous device? Kind regards Buddy2012-01-03 8:27 AM
2012-01-03 10:06 AM
One quite simple thing, e. g., which I completely do not understand:
In the manual, there are many registers, as to be expected for a USB interface. But if I e. g. open the msc example in this 2.0.0 folder, then I nowhere find any reference to any of the registers. E. g. the basic device mode configuration register OTG_HS_DCFG for sure needs to be addressed somewhere - but I do not find ANY reference to this register - in no file. Also I do not find any lib file - it looks as if all the source code files are included nicely ... this is realy mysterious to me.2012-01-04 1:06 AM
Hi Bil.Til
I have tested the dual core sample successfully on the STM3220G_EVAL. The HID uses the USB FS port, and the MSC uses the USB HS port, which works on High speed properly. See following link to find all dedicated documents and firmware samples to the STM32 Microcontrollers, under Resources:http://www.st.com/internet/mcu/class/1734.jsp
The relevant register settings for STM32F207 are documented in the RM0033.
Good luck