2020-06-16 07:23 AM
I am trying to communicate with the UART bootloader (NUCLEO64 F446E) using a second board (NUCLEO32 L432KC).
I am using USART1 (PA_9, PA_10), on which I am trying to send the 0x7F frame to activate UART bootloader (after having activated bootloader Mode using BOOT pins), but I get no answer.
I tried different baudrates even if the AN3155 tells the baudrate is calculated after the reception of the 0x7F frame.
Also, I am using HAL_UART_Receive and Hal_UART_Transmit (with no interrupt) to send and receive data.
I really hope someone could help me.
Thanks in advance :)
2020-06-16 08:09 AM
Do you have parity set correctly? Note that in STM32, parity bit is counted up to the total number of bits.
2020-06-16 10:34 AM
You get one-shot after reset to establish the baud rate with the 0x7F pattern.
Show the initialization code. Likely want 9600 Even Parity (will be 9-bit setting on STM32 side) to start with.
Should be able to use HAL_UART_Transmit/Receive to walk the loader along.
Start with simple query commands, checking the response and checksum byte