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Is the bootloader host code available in some form?

Associate III

I am working on a project where several STM32L0xx processors will be running under a Raspberry Pi 4+ system. The desire is to be able to use the SystemBootloader on these to be able to do firmware updates. I know that the documentation from ST is enough to beable to write such an application from scratch, but I was wondering if the core code might already be available.

Since this would be done as a sub-task to an application, no GUI or even CLI, it would be preferable of the code was in 'C', but anything would be a help to get started.



Many people have written examples over the years.

A good example might be the Arduino firmware update tool for the MKR WAN 1300 that's on GitHub for sure.

This is a topic thats been covered here before.​

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They dont discole the code.

But they do some efforts to give you opensource options

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