2019-04-10 7:11 AM
I'am trying to connect the AD7771 (https://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/data-sheets/AD7771.pdf) with a STM32F413. The question is, if it is possible to configure the QSPI as slave to receive the data from the AD7771 via DOUT0-DOUT3. In this case, the AD7771 is the master and provides the CLK. How can I configure the QSPI that the CLK Pin of the µC is an input and uses the CLK of the AD7771?
FYI: I have already connected the DOUTs to the normal SPIs and it works fine. The problem is that their are not enough SPIs to connect the other "modules" and so I want to save the normal SPIs which are connected to the AD7771.
Thanks for your support.
2019-04-10 7:20 AM
No(t yet?) ==> add to STM32 Wish list ?
If you are not using all SPI at the same time, you can use alternate pins for the SPI to implement a bus MUX. (MODER/AF GPIO bit fields).
Same for I2C or master serial interfaces
2019-04-11 7:50 AM
Ok. Thanks for your quick answer. Good idea to implement a bus mux. I will try it.
2019-04-11 8:22 AM
The QSPI is strictly master-only as it's intended for external memory, and transfer modes are restricted when compared to the normal SPI interfaces, e. g. byte oriented.
2021-02-17 7:19 AM
Another solution might be using SAI (Serial Audio Interface) or PSSI (Parallel Slave Synchronous Interface), if available on your product.
Alternatively, you could use GPIO, DMA and TIM. Please take a look into AN4666: Parallel synchronous transmission using GPIO and DMA.
There is an associated software package X-CUBE-PARAL-COM.
2022-10-05 2:20 AM
Hi, I have similar problem with reading data from AD7771 via DOUTx line (I want to read all 8 channels on 1 line DOUT_0)). 1 channel has 4 bytes (1 for header an 3 for ADC data)
I want to use SAI interface. I tried to read data like that, but there are some weird data HAL_SAI_Receive(&hsai_BlockB3,(uint8_t *) GlSAI_DMA_Buff, 8, 0xffffff);
What I am not sure about is:
All my settings is here:
hsai_BlockB3.Instance = SAI3_Block_B;
hsai_BlockB3.Init.Protocol = SAI_FREE_PROTOCOL;
hsai_BlockB3.Init.AudioMode = SAI_MODESLAVE_RX;
hsai_BlockB3.Init.DataSize = SAI_DATASIZE_8;
hsai_BlockB3.Init.FirstBit = SAI_FIRSTBIT_MSB;
hsai_BlockB3.Init.ClockStrobing = SAI_CLOCKSTROBING_FALLINGEDGE;
hsai_BlockB3.Init.Synchro = SAI_ASYNCHRONOUS;
hsai_BlockB3.Init.OutputDrive = SAI_OUTPUTDRIVE_DISABLE;
hsai_BlockB3.Init.FIFOThreshold = SAI_FIFOTHRESHOLD_EMPTY;
hsai_BlockB3.Init.SynchroExt = SAI_SYNCEXT_DISABLE;
hsai_BlockB3.Init.MonoStereoMode = SAI_STEREOMODE;
hsai_BlockB3.Init.CompandingMode = SAI_NOCOMPANDING;
hsai_BlockB3.Init.TriState = SAI_OUTPUT_NOTRELEASED;
hsai_BlockB3.Init.PdmInit.Activation = DISABLE;
hsai_BlockB3.Init.PdmInit.MicPairsNbr = 1;
hsai_BlockB3.Init.PdmInit.ClockEnable = SAI_PDM_CLOCK1_ENABLE;
hsai_BlockB3.FrameInit.FrameLength = 256;
hsai_BlockB3.FrameInit.ActiveFrameLength = 1;
hsai_BlockB3.FrameInit.FSDefinition = SAI_FS_STARTFRAME;
hsai_BlockB3.FrameInit.FSPolarity = SAI_FS_ACTIVE_LOW;
hsai_BlockB3.FrameInit.FSOffset = SAI_FS_FIRSTBIT;
hsai_BlockB3.SlotInit.FirstBitOffset = 0;
hsai_BlockB3.SlotInit.SlotSize = SAI_SLOTSIZE_32B;
hsai_BlockB3.SlotInit.SlotNumber = 1;
hsai_BlockB3.SlotInit.SlotActive = 0x00000000;
Thank you for any advice, Jan.
2023-03-14 8:53 PM
Hi @Community member
Here are the answers to your questions:
hsai_BlockB3.SlotInit.SlotActive - What does it mean? I want to have 8 channels on DOUT_1 line - so there is 32 slots? Or all this "pack" is taken as 1 slot?
Slot active would be the number of slots that you intend to read, irrespective of what the DOUT_1 actually sends out.
(1 << slots_per_frame) - 1 would be the value here.
hsai_BlockB3.Init.DataSize - for me it should be 32? (1 channel sends 4 bytes)
Yes, the data size represents the data size of one slot, which in your case would be 32.
hsai_BlockB3.FrameInit.FrameLength = 256; - it sounds good for me when I want to read 8 channels (1 channel have 1 B header and 3 B for ADC data) 4x8x8 = 256 bits
The frame length value needs to be calculated as follows:
(data_size +data_offset) slots_per_frame;
In this case, it would be (32+0)*(8) = 256 .
what bout that? hsai_BlockB3.FrameInit.ActiveFrameLengt
Active frame length does not hold any significance in case of operation in slave mode.
what bout that? hsai_BlockB3.SlotInit.SlotNumber
Slot number would be the number of slots per frame. In this case it would be 8 (8 channels)
Janani Sunil