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Interrupt triggering twice - check for interrupt clear latency issue does not work

Senior III


i know the gotcha about the late clearing. My interrupt (yes it currently useless) is so short, that clearing in the beginning would not work either, so i tried to implement a check for the interrupt flag. But with no success: It is fired twice.

Is my approach wrong?

This is the interrupt:





 * Exiting interrupt with if(true)+(2 NOP´s) is about 20ns, Checking for "! (TIM8->SR & TIM_SR_COMIF)" adds 120ns!
void TIM8_TRG_COM_IRQHandler(){
	GPIOC->BSRR = (uint32_t) GPIO_PIN_3;
	if(! (TIM8->SR & TIM_SR_COMIF)){	// Return if no flag is set (prevents false triggers because of latency in the bus)
		__ASM volatile ("NOP");
		__ASM volatile ("NOP");
		GPIOC->BRR = (uint32_t) GPIO_PIN_3;

	TIM8->SR = ~TIM_SR_COMIF;	// DONT send "&=" ReadModifyWrite is bad!
	__ASM volatile ("NOP");
	__ASM volatile ("NOP");
	GPIOC->BRR = (uint32_t) GPIO_PIN_3;






How do you measure? The PC3 signalling would presumably look very similar on either branch.

Perhaps use a proper memory fencing operation instead of the NOP's ? Could you use __DSB(); ?

>>Is my approach wrong?

If it's not working, and you're looking at right problem, probably..

Look at other causes for TIM8_TRG_COM_IRQHandler() might be entering. What's TIM8->SR flagging

How many times is it entering with no interrupt source flagging?

Approach the problem from understanding of WHAT is actually happening, not applying random remedies until it stops.

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This is a bit embarrassing:

After working with a 600 bucks scope, that rather confuses than helps, having manuals that do also a fair bit of confusing and having to little breaks, i was not able to understand, that it actually does what i wrote it to do.

I have read about the __DSB(), that it is rather not reliable. There would be other structures, that would interfere and prevent to work the right way. (




Checking the flash won't prevent the interrupt to fire twice. It prevents the relevant content if interrupt to be executed twice.