2019-05-11 7:23 AM
I'm trying to read the internal temp sensor of a STM32F030F4Px but datasheet isn't clear about how to calculate it.
Vsense = ( 1686 / 4095 ) * 3.3 = 1.35V
Temp = ((1.43 - 1.35) / 4.3 ) + 30 = 30.01C
In the code example it isn't any clear because I got:
ADC1->DR = 1686
TEMP30_CAL_ADDR = 1770
temp = (1770-1686) * 1000 = 84000
temp = 84000/4300 +30 = 49.5C
Actual room temperature is 22C.
What am I doing wrong?
thank you
2019-05-11 7:38 AM
You measure the plastic packaged sealed silicon chip temperature.
Because it drains current to operates, it is a heat generator.
The measured internal temp would match ambiant just after the chip is cold powered up, assuming SW would be bug free...
2019-05-11 7:55 AM
Assuming your address for stored values are correct, replace the ones below with yours and try this. Works well on STM32F4xx:
//stored calibration constants for STM32F4
#define TEMP30_CAL ((uint16_t*) ((uint32_t) 0x1FFF7A2C))
#define TEMP110_CAL ((uint16_t*) ((uint32_t) 0x1FFF7A2E))
//perform temperature read using STM32F4 internal sensor
ADC_SoftwareStartConv(ADC1); //Start the conversion
while (ADC_GetFlagStatus(ADC1, ADC_FLAG_EOC) == RESET);
uint16_t TS_DATA = ADC_GetConversionValue(ADC1);
// factory calibration coefficients stored at macro pointer locations
float32_t tmp = (float32_t) ((( (110 - 30)*(TS_DATA - *TEMP30_CAL) ) / (*TEMP110_CAL - *TEMP30_CAL) ));
2019-05-11 7:56 AM
How do you justify the difference result on both methods?
2019-05-11 7:57 AM
I don't think I have that temp110 Cal value
2019-05-11 8:20 AM
Check page 743 of the reference manual, there's an example there.
2019-05-17 4:18 AM
The temperature sensor inside the chip is dedicated to the measurement of silicon temperature.
Best Regards,
Mohamed Aymen.