2020-01-13 10:45 PM
I am trying to interface the STM32F407 controller and SST25Vf016B flash using SPI protocol for chibios. I have completed the configuration steps and I am also able to read the manufacturer ID reg, device ID reg for Flash. But when I try to write data and read it I am getting garbage value. Maybe the data is not written properly. I have also enabled different modes for flash like Write enable and EWSR (Enable Write Status Register). Any ideas to solve the issue.
2020-01-13 11:35 PM
Before writing, do you erase the respective blocks in FLASH?
After write and erase command, do you read the Status byte and wait until BUSY bit clears?
2020-01-14 3:26 AM
I am doing chip erase before writing data into it. After write and erase, when I read status byte , I am getting the following data.
SPI Initialization
Status reg data-> 1C
Status reg data-> 4
Status reg data-> 4
Jedec manufacturer id data-> BF
Jedec memory type data-> 25
Jedec device id data-> 41
Status reg data-> 4
Jedec manufacturer id data-> BF
Jedec memory type data-> 25
Jedec device id data-> 41