2013-10-26 1:33 AM
Dear all, I am new to this series. Specially I am unable to find examples on it for this version and I have a limited time to implement input capture to measure frequency between 210KHz-510KHz.I am using Timer 1 for input capturing, running at 144MHz (advanced timer).Please sir, provide me with an example.Best Regards,UMAIR MUKATI. #input-capture #stm32f3 #timer-12013-10-26 4:08 AM
500 KHz is getting a bit on the high side to be interrupting, perhaps you might want to integrate external clock pulses?
All the STM32 family part operate in a materially similar way, find some other examples that suit your needs, and then tailor them to your specific needs.STM32F3-Discovery_FW_V1.1.0\Project\Peripheral_Examples\TIM_PWM_InputSTM32F30x_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.0.0\Project\STM32F30x_StdPeriph_Examples\TIM\TIM_InputCapture