2019-08-08 1:01 AM
I'm using an STM32L476 as an analogue to digital streaming device. Analogue -> ADC -> DMA ->SAI -> External Device.
The SAI runs as a Time Division Mutiplexed (TDM) slave, with the data clock and frame sync are received from an external device. The data is 4 x 16bit blocks (64 bits) per TDM cycle. Each 16bits contains just 12 bits of audio.
Currently I'm running it at 48MHz (HSE XTAL = 20Mhz) and using the PLL to get to 48MHz (PCLK). I would like to run it with a much lower power consumption so have been looking at the LPRUN mode (2MHz). The idea being that once data path from the ADC -> DMA ->SAI ->External Device is up and running there is no reed for any cpu operations.
I've looked in the low power apps notes and used CubeMx to work my way through the 2000 pages of "user manual" but its not clear what is an acceptable configuration