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impossible to using.

Associate II
Posted on October 19, 2011 at 22:45

hi everyone... mi name is hector and i am a curious of embbeded world.

I discovered this kit on the interner and logicaly, i have one.

the very important reason that i am writing something here is:

1.- I plugged the board to usb and demo application works very well. ( 1.- o.k.)

2.- i choosed Atollic True studio( 2.2.0 lite version ) to start with demos, examples and so on(2.- o.k)

3.- After this, i really disappointed, of course not for board or softwre. The main reason is that i can not compile none of those programs with atollic. i did all of things that say in manual and nothing happend. just appears bad and bad and bad on console...(3.- fail)

4.- ok, maybe is a bad setting or one o two files that i forgot( i dont know yet) ... but i tried to use STM32 ST-LINK_V2.1. I assume, this utility, have to works with board.. right?? but nothing is happening...(4.- fail again)

5.-and ideas came to my head.. if st-link is a programmer-debugger, when i connect through usb, Usb on board could flashing??? (is it possible??).. and why Win7(sorry) says ''this strange something wear bla bla bla.. is a unknowing dispositive'' despite on computer resides Stlink usb driver.dll, instalation of usb driver was made, and so on..(5.- confused).

if anyone could help me, please let me know where i failed to get the truth about stm board.

all feedbacks are important for me...

thanks a lot evereyone

atte. hector

Associate II
Posted on October 22, 2011 at 11:59

When you plug the board to the PC, it may appear like a disk.

Try follow some of these:

Associate II
Posted on October 23, 2011 at 09:50

of course. i just changed the usb cable. i mean, my first usb cable, was from a celular pack,,

and last cable from ''entertainment device'',, i really believe that was i little problem, maybe the cable is broken. I did not check the cable..

I did a few experiments and i compiled the demo example in the 2 IDE.. ( atollic and mdk)

so, it is very great... but as in the starting post, computer, ide, program, or whatever, does not recognize st-link. is like does not exist... just massive storage appears..

any idea??? thank you

Associate II
Posted on October 23, 2011 at 11:15

Then try reinstalling stlink drivers. This may solve the problem

Associate II
Posted on October 23, 2011 at 18:28

do you know about st-link incompatibility  on wiw 7??

Olso, i did. 3 o 4 times. Changed compatibility, administration, and so on.

And, no... it doesn´t work.


Associate II
Posted on October 24, 2011 at 19:13

I have both ST-LINK (at least the one on the ST-VLDiscovery) and the UTILITY software running fine on WIN7 - if thats your question.

Posted on October 24, 2011 at 22:20

I seem to recall some complaints about some of the ST tools on non-English installs of Microsoft OS's.

Coders tend to make assumptions about directory and registry naming within the OS.

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