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IAP issue with STM32L152RE


I am using stm32l152re. What I'm doing right now is uploading IAP (in application programming) to stm32l152re. First, I uploaded successfully through JTAG using the IAR IDE, but the serial communication through uart did not work properly.

The procedure I used

1. Decompress the compressed file of stm32075

2. Use the .eww file located in the project folder-> STM32Lxx_IAP-> EWARM.

3. After opening the .eww file, change the "device" item from "project-> options-> general options-> target" to "stm32l152re" and the "stdout / stderr" item from "library configuration" to "via SWO" Change it.

4. Finally, run download and debug

download and debug had no problems. However, IAP driver was not executed in serial communication through teraterm as above.

I was wondering if IAP can be implemented in stm32l152re through a project inside stm32075 provided by st. Also, I wonder how to properly implement IAP if possible. And I am wondering if there is another way to use stm32CubeMX