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I3C Target always Nack


Hello,I'm a newbie ,and I'm facing some issues..

I used two NUCLEO-H503RB boards, one as a controller and the other as a target. I connected them as shown below.


And I tried them  with the Example code "I3C_Controller_Private_Command_IT & I3C_Target_Private_Command_IT",but the target always responds with a NACK.

螢幕擷取畫面 2024-09-19 103759.png

I have tried changing the frequencies for both open-drain and push-pull modes, but the problem persists.

Could you advise on how to resolve this issue? Also, is my wiring correct? I noticed in the PDF that an interface board is plugged into the NUCLEO-H503RB. Could this be causing the issue? If so, is there an alternative board I can use instead of the X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3, since it seems it's no longer available?



ST Employee

Hello @Vinc_L , 

First of all make sure that the dynamic addressing process is done.
May this WIKI helps you for dynamic addressing Getting started with I3C - stm32mcu

Run the Controller before run the Target, this will let a false startup phase on Target side as there is no high level on the bus, if the Target is started before the Controller.
The board is plugged into the NUCLEO-H503RB to handle communication with I3C sensors (LSM6DSO , LPS22HH).  

Let me know! 

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