2023-06-23 1:23 AM
i working in I2S since 6 month on STM32F405. after several analyzes, we have problems.
we work on I2S is connected on SGT5000.
SGTL5000 must have continous master clock to communicate with him on I2C.
So the design started I2S MASTER with DMA all the time, configure SGTL and start.
sometimes when starting , we have desynchronization.
Errata sheet talk about problems with I2S SLAVE.
i have similar problem in SLAVE, so i have choose this design.
=> STM32F4 I2S MASTER , communicate all the time and completed DMA we i have to playing sound.
register callback interrupt when you have sound to play.
problem is all time when you playing somes files.
only problem is solved when restart communication I2S (STOP DMA and START DMA)
have an idea?
2023-06-23 1:35 AM
i use I2S since 2 years on STM32F411 , never had "desynchronization" .
just with dma , you have -> circular mode ? half and full callbacks ?
2023-06-26 5:44 AM
> we have desynchronization.
What is it? What are the symptoms?