2020-12-02 10:55 PM
2020-12-03 6:40 AM
If you have the IOC file, double click on it and change the configuration to what you want, then regenerate the code. Be sure your user code is only within USER CODE blocks or it will get erased during regeneration. Always back up your files before re-generating.
If you don't have the IOC file, you'll need to add in the code manually. You can create a separate project with the desired configuration and copy code over as appropriate it.
2020-12-15 3:33 AM
Hi TDK ,
Thanks for the reply .
I have downloaded the STM32LoRa Discovery code from the link
i have opened the project in the STM32Cube IDE and i am not to seeing any IOC file in the project .
as you have suggested to generate new IOC file but I am not knowing existing code configuration !! then please suggest how to generate IOC file in this scenario?