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I had a lcd with fmc on stm32f429 project working properly with Fw1.14.0 . But when migrate to Fw 1.24.1 ,it is not working.No change on the code , FMC init code are same except " FMC_NORSRAM_TimingTypeDef Timing" initialization . Any idea ?


 FMC_NORSRAM_TimingTypeDef Timing; FW 1.14

 FMC_NORSRAM_TimingTypeDef Timing; = { 0 }; FW 1.24


I don't think this is the issue; but you can check yourself - using a debugger, read out the relevant FMC registers' content when running old, then new code, compare, and in case of differences, check in RM whether the differences are important.

As far as "not working" is generally concerned, specify exactly, what does that mean. Debug, as usually.

Btw. what was the reason to migrate to newer version of "library"?


Thank you for the reply.

I try to change FMC timings , but still same problem.I wrote about the change of access methodes between FW versions may cause change in timings. is it meaningful ?

Cubemx does not let me to create new project with older version of FW(FW 1.14). ST suggests to use the latest version of FW.