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I got ''Target power failure'' error when I built a project

Zhentao Lu
Associate II
Posted on April 12, 2018 at 04:45

I bought a development board -STM3210C-SK/RAIS [Development Boards & Kits - ARM Raisonance]. I intalled the Ride 7 from the CD in the package, set up and confirmed all jumpers then opened an example - QuickStart_STM32F After I clicked the Project -> Build Project command, there is an error saying that ''Target power failure: Measured 0.000000V.

There is a quick start manual.


The error:


In Debug options window, if I clicked

“Connect to Debugger�?, then:


I assume that the board has already connected with my computer.

This is my board:


I searched in google and found two websites talking about such error but their boards are not exactly same as my board.

Target power failure: Measured 0.100000V - problem on Windows XP

Topic : I got ''Target power failure'' error when I built a project

It seems something goes wrong on my board. Does anyone have the same problem? Thank you very much.

Zhentao Lu

#power #stm-32 #failure

Note: this post was migrated and contained many threaded conversations, some content may be missing.
Posted on April 16, 2018 at 10:23

This one looks like my board. I got an email from ST finally. They said my board is out-of-date and suggested my to change to a new board. And they said it is difficult to give me technical support. Thanks anyway. I'll change to a new development board.

Posted on April 16, 2018 at 10:24

I think a better approach would be to contact Raisonance directly.

Perhaps a phone call (might be difficult, considering the time shift).

Or, contact a ST field application engineer or an official ST distributor near you.

However (as you might have realized), Raisonance products are not much in use, at least internationally.

Switching over to a more present and active supplier might be indicated.

Posted on April 16, 2018 at 10:42

Thank you very much for the suggestion. I'll definitely change to other boards. I did send an email last week to Raisonance support email box and got reply just now. They just gave me a website on which there are many instructions about how ask them a question (include: provide customer serial number, RLink type, host system, ... etc). HOLY JESUS! You guys give me so much help compare with those companies. Thank you so much.

Posted on April 16, 2018 at 12:33

Zhentao Lu wrote:

It is a seller on Alibaba which is e-business website like eBay.

So there's your problem right there!

You've tried to save a few bucks byavoiding the 'main line' distribution channels - and now you see why stuff is so cheap on place like Alibaba and ebay.

Raisonance support email box and got reply just now. They just gave me a website on which there are many instructions about how ask them a question (include: provide customer serial number, RLink type, host system, ... etc).

To be fair, that is to be expected from any professional support provider.

They will be dealing with a high volume of enquires - so they ca't waste time manually getting the basic details from each caller.

And the board you have does look like quite a complex beast - for a beginner, that is probably not an advantage.



‌ suggests, you would probably be best to at least start with something simpler and more mainstream - like a Nucleo ...

Posted on April 16, 2018 at 12:36

The board is a Raisonance product, not an ST product - so you really can't expect ST to provide specific support for it.

That would be like expecting Intel to provide you with general PC technical support ...

Posted on April 16, 2018 at 13:16

The board is a Raisonance product, not an ST product - so you really can't expect ST to provide specific support for it.

Basically true.

However - I had a project involving a STM8 and Raisonance several years ago (toolchain and eval board), and noticed some 'strange' inter-relations.

If remembering correctly, the Raisonance HQ is quite close to the french ST branch ...

Posted on April 16, 2018 at 13:19

AvaTar wrote:

Raisonance HQ is quite close to the french ST branch ...

Yes - I guess that's why they work a lot together ...

Posted on April 17, 2018 at 08:18

Yes, as you said I avoided the 'main line' distribution channel. This is my first time to use STM chip so I just went toAlibabaand search Raisonance with ARM because I need to use Ride 7 and RKit-ARM. There are only few choices for me then I picked up an expensive development board. It's more than $300 and I double checked that it can use

Ride 7. Unfortunately, it's not working.

I agree it's fair that the company asks me to provide those information. But you use the word - 'basic details'. On Raisonance website, there are more than 30 questions I need to care, which are in 6 categories. If they had a request form, that would be perfect.

Anyway, thanks again for your suggestion. I'm talking with the seller and apply for a request of refund. And I search Nucleo in Amazon and find that's exactly what I want. It's much simpler. Thanks.