2022-05-16 3:42 AM
2022-05-16 5:45 AM
The RTC can be used for wake up after an arbitrarily long time.
2022-05-16 6:54 AM
Thanks for writing, but currently I'm using RTC for wake up....do some take and go back to sleep....
but some time firmware get hang up or stuck some where, So I want to use WDT but i don't know "how
WDT works in Sleep mode"
2022-05-16 8:36 AM
The IWDG can continue counting while the MCU is in low power modes or it can pause counting then. So you may set your RTC to wake up say every 4 minutes and the IWDG to 5 minutes. The RTC can then reset the IWDG. What kind of errors do you want the WDG to care for while the MCU is in STOP mode?
2022-05-18 2:34 AM
Agree, I'm using RTC to Wake up
My question is
What happen if device Hang up (not work properly) in real time scenario(In real application)? How could I reset if device goes Hang up(halt fault)